Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
The good thing about being a prince is that one day....

"The king is dead--Long live the (new) king!!" :lol:

I still have my work cut out for me (I'm down 44,000 kills again):banghead:
No, i'm just saying even though when you take over the People Killed Record, can i still be called the King Of Killing?
Call yourself whatever you want--I'm not interested in the title--just the record---although it is at least 4 or 5 weeks away--I do have weeks vacation next month--maybe I'll spend it in Vice City and make the cops lives miserable :mad:

Acidman, when you update your stats put up you tires popped and kgs of explosives and road vehicles destroyed (or anything else you may have raised in your killing sprees--gang members killed, etc)
I just updated the record book.

I noticed that there really haven't been any additions to the record book for a while, because alot of them are so difficult to attain, that does not mean that other people have not made some notable accomplishments. I want to make the recordbook more attainable so I am going to add people to the list with unbelievable unverified records but they will be listed below the verified ones (sorry).

Also, to make it more inclusive I added 2 more lines to each record so the ones that had 3 listed now have 5 and the ones with just one now have 3 listed.

I know this makes the page so much longer so if you guys think I should spin off the racing/timed records from the main recordbook, I'm open to that too (just a cut and paste away).

So if anyone wants to be added please post your stats--I've already added a few.


I just finished editing the book again (much later in day). I went though the old record book thread (all 29 pages :banghead: ) and pulled out old stats and put them in their proper spots--took me about an hour and a half. This filled in many of the vacant spots but there are a bunch of empty ones left--so if anyone wants to add their stats--post them. If I missed anyone, was a tedious job.

Well here's some updates:

CR - 570392
People You've Wasted - 150060

Well I hane some more (Beliveable) records,. mainly race times. I'm going to go play(kill)somemore,and I'll get those posted latter on today.Until then............

(happy hunting)

Oh I do have one now.I have 3 flips,got it with the fuse glitch off of the Hyman roof top.If you must put it as unverified that cool.
I was looking for 'vc endurance' records out there and I saw in your records book the times were about 4:30 or and my friend got kinda obsessed about 'vc endurance' and so far he has gotten a 4:13 and I have just gotten a 4:11. This is not on a playstation but on the pc, I didn't see any forum for pc vice city people. These times are without any cheats or mods and using vehicles everyone has access to. I'd appreciate any feedback.
I've finally found the motivation to finish off my save. I'm currently at 91%.

I've got the Ocean Beach Chopper Check Points, Rampages, Unique Stunts, RC Missions and those damn Taxi missions left.

The thing that annoys me most is that I can't seem to overwrite my rotation record since I erased my save with it on. :grumpy:
Originally posted by slickhenry
I was looking for 'vc endurance' records out there and I saw in your records book the times were about 4:30 or and my friend got kinda obsessed about 'vc endurance' and so far he has gotten a 4:13 and I have just gotten a 4:11. This is not on a playstation but on the pc, I didn't see any forum for pc vice city people. These times are without any cheats or mods and using vehicles everyone has access to. I'd appreciate any feedback.

I'd like to post the record but besides the fact that the PC version can be edited (not that I'm accusing you) the PC version is not identical to the PS2 version-- they are two different platforms, controlled differently, and likely play differently.

I could list the PC records seperately but the record book is already very long. The best way would likely be to start a PC recordbook thread. I don't have any interest in editing that one too but if you or anyone else wants to start the thread, let me know and I will email you the text from page where I edit the record book.. (so it has all the formatting in place--then all you have to do is erase all the PS2 records)--since the PC version is still pretty new there might be alot of interest in it--you might want to ask around.

If there is not alot of intererst I could alternately, as I suggested before, we can start a second thread and spin off the race records and list them with both PC and PS2 records... I prefer to keep the record books seperate though...any thoughts people???

Recordbook updated....

Originally posted by Acidman
Well here's some updates:

CR - 570392
People You've Wasted - 150060

Are you done yet?? (I'm down 45,000 again) :banghead:

Also did I read your screen shot correctly for other stats??

road vehicles destroyed 16903
boats destroyed 469
planes & helicopters destroyed 6910
Ya, thanks for the post Spuds, I figured that as far as proof is concerned there's not really a cheat proof way of doing that, but since I've been having a rivalry with my friend about vc endurance I thought it'd be cool to open up that friendly competition to the whole electronic community, if anybody's interested:cool:
As far as console records vs. pc records I think (depending on the record of course) that they are going to differ quite a bit, I don't have a console but I've tried playing gta vice city on one for a few mins and it seemed way hard to me, but then again I'm used to playing all games on pc, just prefer em that way.
I've just been particularly into the racing times lately on vice city and if anybody else out there has some good times (on pc) that they'd like to share, I'd be keen to try to beat em, I've been focusing on vc endurance 'cause it's the longest and I think the most challenging :D
Like I said, a PC version record thread would likely be the way to go...if there is not enough interest then I will consider spinning off the racing/timed mission records into its own thread and splitting them up between PS2 and PC-- I prefer that you ask around on the PC threads that are up or ask it on a new thread before I do this.



Which car/bike did you get that time on??

I used the hotring racer for my 4:30...I made a few little mistakes (so I could likely trim 5 or 10 seconds off) but nothing real major. I think I can do faster on the PCJ but my Tommy keeps falling off--
Yeah those are right.

Also, i don't think i'm totally done killing, i just haven't been killing as much lately, i again have found the joy of just cruising around and trying to survive 6 stars on foot or finding hollow walls or wierd glitches, i'm just going to kill another 1000 people to make the total around 152 000 for today then i'll post back with the exact numbers.
DOn't forget to post your other (destructive) stats too.

I've only had about 2 hours to play in the last week--I'm still stuck at 105,000. I should get a few hours to play this weekend.
Just killed another 1000 people

People You've Wasted - 153,126
Criminal Rating - 576000 - and yes that's the exact number
I've done something like 4:30 in VC Endurance and that's with stopping in the pay n' spray in Vice Point so I wouldn't question anything like 4:11 or 4:13 regardless if it's PS2 or PC.
Yea, I used the hotring racer to get my 4:11 time on vc endurance...I had been using a cheetah, but using the hotring cut about 15 seconds off my time, which as you are certainly aware, is HUGE.
The other thing I've been into lately is seeing how many vigilante missions I can get away with in a car, (vice cheetah/fbi washington obviously). So far I've gotten 109, but I know I could do better with a bit of luck and a lot of coffee :mischievous:
I wish I had known that your mission time goes back to 0:00 after you pass 99:99... I would have just taken a little rest and let the time cycle down to 80 mins or something ;)
Ps. Can't find any pc related vice city threads...I guess I am the only one playing without a playstation :confused:
Criminal Rating - 579868
People You've Wasted - 155120

I haven't been really caring about killing people lately, just mostly (in the words of DODGE the VIPER) "mucking around" :lol:

It's kinda nice to take a break from killing and just "play" the game for awhile.
Oh yeah..... It's the joy of killing people. All violence, all action. And it's called a killing spree! Killing people is what all of us GTA players do best, of course! :P :D :lol: ;) :mischievous: :cool:
I took brown thunder up to level 2363

My current stats:

Time played: 215:36
CR: 511925 (Don)
People wasted: 130092
Road Vehicles destroyed:33982
Planes and Helicopters destroyed: 4782
Criminals wasted: 52607
Criminals killed on vigilante: 71764
Highest vigilante level: 2363
Accuracy: 235
I just did 3:56 in VC Endurance, slickhenry. I'd like to see your friend or you top that off :D any time soon anyway, it's possible to break that I'm sure but the skill and mostly the luck for weaving in between cars (and sometimes over them) is hard to come by.
I did it with the Hotring Racer of course, and the most I crashed into was a PCJ 600 in front of the VROCK building. Made a couple thousand bucks trying to get under the 4:25-4:30 mark in the meantime. :lol:
Originally posted by Acidman
Holy **** Spuds! That's incredible man. :cheers:

Thanks-- I wrote that I was at level 762 last night when I paused it. I actually was at 662 and ran it up about 1700 levels this morning between about 7:30 am til about 1:30 pm (I took a few short breaks to feed the kid and stuff) took about 8.5 to 9 hours total.

I also lost about 45 minutes--and this is a scary story. I was on level 1335 and I had a third car spawn inside a building in viceport just south of the big open yard next to the airport. Usually when this happens you can either get them with rockets or they sort of "pop" out of the building...I couldn't reach them with rockets and they never popped out. I had to fly over town and get other weapons to try and then get out of the hunter for 45 seconds at a time--the tear gas would not get them (I thought the smoke might drift near them), grenades did not work. I finally started trying the guns--I would get right next to the building and noticed the barrel of the gun would go inside the building a little. I tried flame thrower--would not work, PSG-1--no luck. Finally I used the minigun (I forget what its called) and it worked and killed them after about 45 minutes stuck on this level. Other then that it was smooth sailing--

I never let my wanted level get above 2 stars and I had a pretty good spawning point at the airport--I was able to knock out about 250-300 levels per hour on average-- it seems like some stretches went faster then that. Still a little slower killing then my normal method but it is much easier--I just got nervous not being able to save my progress. After I broke the record I kept taking screen shots every 100 levels or so, so I'd have proof of my progress. I really didn't want to stop so I just kept going til I went over 130,000 kills and then finally ended it and saved.

Here is the screen shot:


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I went ahead and added your race record the the record book. There doesn't seem to be much PC record interest at this time (guess everybody is just modding their games) but if I do start getting other posts I will likely divide them up.

I updated the race records-- I went ahead and posted the race records but I would prefer you guys provide screen shots if possible--they are not unbelievable but they are pretty impressive records.

Also here is the screen shot of my kills screen--looks like I shook when I took the pic (sorry).


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Originally posted by Spuds725
I also lost about 45 minutes--and this is a scary story. I was on level 1335 and I had a third car spawn inside a building in viceport just south of the big open yard next to the airport. Usually when this happens you can either get them with rockets or they sort of "pop" out of the building...I couldn't reach them with rockets and they never popped out. I had to fly over town and get other weapons to try and then get out of the hunter for 45 seconds at a time--the tear gas would not get them (I thought the smoke might drift near them), grenades did not work. I finally started trying the guns--I would get right next to the building and noticed the barrel of the gun would go inside the building a little. I tried flame thrower--would not work, PSG-1--no luck. Finally I used the minigun (I forget what its called) and it worked and killed them after about 45 minutes stuck on this level. Other then that it was smooth sailing

Oh man that does ound pretty scary, when i was doing my 776 levels i too had them spawn in that same place, but since i always carry my rocket launcher, i just whipped that out and the level was over right then and there, and so were the lives of the criminals :lol: