Vicious' Creative Competition

  • Thread starter Vicious VP
United States
Oregon, USA

This competition will be the broadest available in the Photomode Competitions area.

1) For each competition, I will pick and post the image to be used.
2) There must be some text used in your design.
3) After the duration of the competition, I will pick a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and give and explanation of why each one was chosen - their good parts and not so good parts. I guess you could say that I will be the editor at the agency, and each time you bring me a project, you are there to impress me and the client.

As to what you can do with the image? It will be up to you how you wish to use it - you will have complete artistic licence. You could:

  • Remove the car from the background.
  • Use the entire image.
  • Use part of the image.
  • Make it a B&W
  • Make it look like a painting.
  • Change the color of the car.
  • Ad graphics or ground effects to the car.
  • ... it is YOUR choice.
Some of the things you could create are:
  • Mag cover
  • Advertisement - for WHATEVER!
  • CD Label
  • CD Cover Art - the square part on the front of the jewel case
  • DVD Cover
  • Wallpaper
  • Billboard
  • News Article
  • Business Logo or Business Cards
  • Movie Poster
  • ... and so on, and so on ...
Be creative. Explore new ideas on how to use your design tool of choice.


What I will be looking for in your designs are below and will be rated on a 1 - 5 scale. 1=not so good | 5=excelent

  • Good composition - the overall layout.
  • Font use
  • Originality
  • Overall appeal
  • Technical proficiency - are all the bad parts of the image removed or "smoothed" out. Like shading lines, polygonal wheel-wells, wheels and tires, color and brightness balance. All the things in GT4 that make the cars NOT look as real as they could.
  • Sellability / Usability - Will the client use it. Because, trust me on this, not even a GREAT design is always usable by the client.
With this scoring system, your design could have a max score of 30.


The end result should be something (that if you really were a designer) you would put in your portfolio.

This competition is designed to help you grow in your creative design process, as well as the use of your "tools" - Photoshop, Paintshop Pro or the like.

HAVE FUN. Impress me, others, and most of all ... yourself.


Here is this competitions image:

This comp will run from: 5/23 to 5/31

When you post your image, please say who your client of choice is, and where/how the design is to be used. ie: In a mag ad. On a store window. Billboard. Etc ...

Now, go and create!
Interesting competition, and well thought out I must say. I am not sure if i'll enter it but I am sure many people will, and of cause i'll think about it.
Vicious VP
Any other thoughts?

Nice Pic :)

I can't wait to see what people come up with, there are alot of creative people out there. Shame I am not one of them, you can notice that in my magazine covers as they are starting to look repeative.
It's the Saleen S7, found at your local American Car dealer.

First step would be to fix those wheels, methinks. Drives me mad when people point the wheels towards the camera! :yuck:
It's the Saleen S7, found at your local American Car dealer.

First step would be to fix those wheels, methinks. Drives me mad when people point the wheels towards the camera! :yuck:

Plus they are hideous. Vicious is practically begging us to do something by putting those on.

[edit] How many entries are we allowed?
sounds very interesting
I am in even I am not related to any design thing
Every time I see a photo of a sports car on that craggy cliff, I wonder how the hell it got up there.

Now I know:

[edit] You're right, Vicious, this needs targeting...

Job: Billboard intended to promote good will between sports car and SUV enthusiasts by using humor to play on the differences between the two endeavors.

Client: Motorsport Benevolence Association.

Mission: Reduce social friction between subsets of motorsports enthusiasts by emphasizing an open, casual atmosphere and highlighting the fun people seek in motorsports.

*M.B.A. logo and tagline soon to be added
Every time I see a photo of a sports car on that craggy cliff, I wonder how the hell it got up there.

Now I know:

That is really clever. 👍 but, try and remember the last item I will be looking for: Sellability / Usability - Will the client use it.

< Vicious speaking as the editor > "So how do I use this for the client (any client - it's your choice) Robo?"
I just added this part to the "rules" at the top. Please forgive me for having it show up late. It was a thought in my mind, but I did not get in to print the first time around.

When you post your image, please say who your client of choice is, and where/how the design is to be used. ie: In a mag ad. On a store window. Billboard. Etc ...

Thanx all ...
haha.. nice one robo.. and no its not at any american car dealer, exotics dealers mostly..

and this is basically a photoshop competition, just using a GT4 model instead.. hmmm interesting.. maybe :)
I'd join in if that picture wasn't so bad.
That is kind of the point. The client does not always give you good design stock, but you still have to make it work somehow. It also makes you have to work harder to get a good result. That is part of the reason for this comp: to stretch your brain.
here's mine, i think you'll notice who its for and what it is.. cause i put it in its place:

note: the bend is from someone trying to steal a plastic rim, then realising it was plastic. :lol: its supposed to be one of those billboards with part of the car coming out.:dopey:
Vicious VP
That is kind of the point. The client does not always give you good design stock, but you still have to make it work somehow. It also makes you have to work harder to get a good result. That is part of the reason for this comp: to stretch your brain.

I see...

I'll give it another shot then. :)
here's mine, i think you'll notice who its for and what it is.. cause i put it in its place:

note: the bend is from someone trying to steal a plastic rim, then realising it was plastic. :lol: its supposed to be one of those billboards with part of the car coming out.:dopey:


Especially because those 3-d boards ("Spectaculars," as they're called around here) are usually huge and much higher up in the air. Seeing a 'spectacular' for an exotic super-car on little wooden posts, low enough for people to vandalize cracks me up!

Seriously, though, nice attention to detail -- the color change from the printed board to the "3-d" part, etc.

The only thing to me is the type looks like it's floating in front of the board, though, you know what I mean? Still, I like it.
lol, thats cause i wanted that appearance.. drop shadows do wonders ;)
Woah, crazy competition. Might get in on it if I can find the time. Nice creative work comin up with this one VP. 👍