Video problem

  • Thread starter MazKid
10 megs is huge for me...

...but I won't waste your time listing specific files. DLing right now!
Well Not only does 56K exists, 28K on a 56K modem exists too, and that's what I got...

71% done...20 mins left.
Where do I extract the zip to? I looked in the windows folder...didn't see it...
Originally posted by MazKid
Where do I extract the zip to? I looked in the windows folder...didn't see it...

extract it anywhere where you will remember where it is...once you are done extracting go to the folder where you extracted them to and install them...just install them wherever the default instalation path is...
Well, the Nimo one won't install, and on the divxcodec one, the volez thingy won't install.
Well, on the videos that didn't play...they now play audio but no video still...
Erm, the full file names? Mine only say the title, like (CM)Mazda RX-8 ...there's no .mpg or anything, though it says that the file is a MPEG video/audio stream.

I did. There's like nothing there.

It just says the (CM) Mazda RX-8, and then for the file type it says MPEG Video/Audio Stream.

Maybe I'm missing something...
7,695KB...another one that won't play and is the same file type is 11,786KB...
I could upload it here but it would take a while...I'll look through my movies and see if I can find a smaller sized one to upload on the MAZ GTP gallery.
I could upload it here but it would take a while...I'll look through my movies and see if I can find a smaller sized one to upload on the MAZ GTP gallery.
The only 3rd party codecs that I've ran into are Divx and Xvid. All other codecs should be downloaded my WMP automatically, like Intel's Indeo codec.

If you still can't find the codec to the videos, right click on the file, go to the Summery tab, and it should show what kind of codec it needs under Video Compression. If there is no codec shown, its most likely that it uses one of the default codecs that WMP should automatically download.
When I right click and click on the summary tab, there is no video compression thingy at all...only title, subject, author, category, keywords, and comments. When I click advanced, it's not there either.

WTF? Am I totally in the wrong place or is my Windows XP totally different from everyone elses?
when I click your link it just takes me back to the main GTP page....and when I try right click and save as it just saves it as html...try the posting again

If that doesn't work...
INCOMPLETE_MAZDA_MPV_2_f4485e52d61ee2f70de4e50dc1d50e3600b645d8.mpg de4e50dc1d50e3600b645d8.mpg

Like that?
Damnit!!! I've never had that problem before when I've uploaded videos to the GTP gallery. Maybe Jordan changed something.
Yeah, just copy and paste the link in your browser and remove the space before INCOMPLETE.

I downloaded the video and WMP tried to find the codec, like it should. It came up with an unknown error. Did you finish downloading the video. It looks like an incomplete download from WinMX.
That's what it is, that's where I got it. It should still work, because my other WinMX downloads that are incomplete work fine.