View your posts

Or you can do a forum search and in 'By Member' put your name and 'Show Posts'. That will show all posts you've ever made, not just the last 100.
Search will always be limited to 100 results. However you can fiddle with date, forum and sort settings to retrieve older or more relevant ones.

Is there an option to view your posts (as on phpBB boards) ?

that thing that gives you a list of threads you posted in

<---- See that number? Click on it. Only on your own posts.
Thanks, but that's not what i'm looking for, it gives you list of threads.
Kinda like the 'Latest posts thing', but just shows threads you posted in.
I know it can be done by search, but i wondered if there's quicker way to do it. Seems like not

Aaah GTP mobile app has it under Current>participated
Or, in the search feature, type in your name and click "Threads" for View results as.
Yes i know that, i was just wondering (suggesting?) if there's such a feature and i missed it maybe. Makes stuff easier

Thanks for input tho ;)