Virtual Motorsport Monthly - GTPs New Community Contributed Magazine!

  • Thread starter DaxCobra
Hello and welcome to a new project for us all.

Me and a couple of friends (Furinkazen, FordMKIVJ5, Phouchg and Sumo098 have decided to pick up where Schwadegan left off with GTLife and develop a new community contributed Magazine for all of the virtual racers here on GTPlanet.

It will contain content revolving around the Gran Turismo series, iRacing and any other Simulator game you want to be included.

I will compile the magazine and publish it online, free for everyone to read! All I ask is that you guys get involved, write me some interesting articles with some pictures for the magazine. For example, you can write a review on your favourite car in a certain sim, or an experience that you have had in game or maybe your ties with the virtual world of motorsport and the rear world!

Also, There will be reoccurring features in each monthly issue that I need people to participate in for them to work. They are:

Readers Real Life Cars - Write a little bit about the story of your car, and list the modifications (if any), how long you've had it etc so I can make a little spec sheet too. And, of course, a couple of high resolution pictures.

Readers Sim Rigs - Post a picture of your gaming setup whether it be some top notch gravity simulating ultra high definition masterpiece or a wooden stool with a wheel taped onto it. Lets see what you've got and how you made it, or some information about it.

Picture of the Month - Post your best screenshot from within a game, whether it be on GT6, iRacing or elsewhere, we will pick the most interesting/beautiful picture we recieve.

The rest is up to you. Go crazy and make the best damn article you can!!

Email all articles with pictures to and send me a PM on the GTP forums to notify me of the email.

Lets do this!
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Ohh, I got some stories for you! :P
Oh damn now you're making me want to get the million I need to re-buy the Huayra and a bunch of other cars for a mini-many-car review

Anyway, great idea to revive this project
Great idea, the GTLife issues were amazing to read. Like someone else in the GTLife thread where you mentioned your idea, I'm a bit skeptical about including other driving sims. Nothing wrong with some diversity and of course there's a lot in similar games to talk and write about, but I imagine it's quite hard to draw a line how much content can be included in one magazine. A clear focus on Gran Turismo like GTLife had would solve that, just wrapping up what's in the game right now, what's to come and then some nice bonuses like an image section, car reviews etc, basically what you already got in mind.

Edit: And that doesn't even mention GTP yet, with the whole community and all the organised racing going on you could fill a lot of the magazine too.
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If there is an agreement at some point today, we could see an alliance formed between two magazines.
I'd like to join in the efforts in any manner that I can! I proposed the idea of a GT-Magazine idea a couple days ago, unaware that this project was already in the works, so I apologize for that, I was not trying to steal the idea in any way, I just wasn't well informed, so with that said, I would be more than happy to help wherever I may be needed, Thanks!
Any news on this? Seems interesting.
I'm waiting as well, I put a project of my own on hold because I heard about this and I didn't want to steal any spotlight away from this as it was here first but if nothing else comes of it within the next week I will resume progress on my project
I'd definitely be up for contributing to this if possible.
I'd definitely be up for contributing to this if possible.
If this project isn't heard from, as I said earlier, I will continue with my project which is more for covering the GT6 specific topics, discussions, and things of the like that can be found on the GTPlanet forums, and if you would like, I'd greatly appreciate any help you'd be willing to give towards my efforts, but lets give this a few days to unravel further and then we will go from there. If you would like to know more about my project I can direct you to my status post that talks about it in greater detail.
Where were you when I enjoyed writing? I would have jumped at this to be honest. Maybe I'll get back into it, if I do I'll be sure to contribute. 👍
Wow i must have missed this due to August Holydays! It would great to see race reports, tune comments and such! 👍

I imagine any and all serie organizers would want a spot in the issues :D