- 585
- Oregon, USA
- Digi-Gen
This competition will be the broadest available in the Photomode Competitions area.
1) For each competition, I will pick and post the image to be used.
2) There must be some text used in your design.
3) After the duration of the competition, I will pick a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and give and explanation of why each one was chosen - their good parts and not so good parts. I guess you could say that I will be the editor at the agency, and each time you bring me a project, you are there to impress me and the client.
As to what you can do with the image? It will be up to you how you wish to use it - you will have complete artistic licence. You could:
- Remove the car from the background.
- Use the entire image.
- Use part of the image.
- Make it a B&W
- Make it look like a painting.
- Change the color of the car.
- Ad graphics or ground effects to the car.
- ... it is YOUR choice.
- Mag cover
- Advertisement - for WHATEVER!
- CD Label
- CD Cover Art - the square part on the front of the jewel case
- DVD Cover
- Wallpaper
- Billboard
- News Article
- Business Logo or Business Cards
- Movie Poster
- ... and so on, and so on ...
What I will be looking for in your designs are below and will be rated on a 1 - 5 scale. 1=not so good | 5=excelent
- Good composition - the overall layout.
- Font use
- Originality
- Overall appeal
- Technical proficiency - are all the bad parts of the image removed or "smoothed" out. Like shading lines, polygonal wheel-wells, wheels and tires, color and brightness balance. All the things in GT4 that make the cars NOT look as real as they could.
- Sellability / Usability - Will the client use it. Because, trust me on this, not even a GREAT design is always usable by the client.
The end result should be something (that if you really were a designer) you would put in your portfolio.
This competition is designed to help you grow in your creative design process, as well as the use of your "tools" - Photoshop, Paintshop Pro or the like.
HAVE FUN. Impress me, others, and most of all ... yourself.
Here is this competitions image: I have already cleaned it up and removed the BG for you.
It is a transparent .PNG image. 👍 (You can thank me later!)
This comp will run from: 6/5 to 6/12 and you may enter as MANY designs as you wish.
When you post your image, please say who your client of choice is , and where/how the design is to be used. ie: In a mag ad. On a store window. Billboard. Etc ...
Now, go and create!