Wacko Michael Jerk Jackson dangling his newborn son

  • Thread starter RVDNuT374
United States
Manning, SC
:mad: :mad:

Did you see the pictures of that FREAK Michael no nose Jackson
dangling his son over the railing 60, yes 60 feet in the air, that fool don't even know how to hold a baby, and the faces he was making, he looked like he was totally freakin' BIG TIME!!! Any way,he has 3 kids, I think all adopted (who would be sick enough to do the deed with that thing)..Child Welfare services are investigating and deciding whether or not to take the kids away from him, I think he should NEVER have had kids, or raised them in his weird enviornment, for god's sake, the kids play with his monkeys, the monkeys are bigger than them, they could hurt the kids severley!! Wacko Jacko thinks this is alright behavior. What a FOOL!!

Let me know what u r thinkin'. :mad:
Good grief... I'm not fond of him myself, but no reason to go on a mad-smilie rampage... he's already got enough headaches with that one lady on the East who's sueing him now, plus a drippy shnoz.
Originally posted by RVDNuT374
That post was actually made by my mom while I was at school.:rolleyes: She's worse w/ smilies than I am!:lol:
Your mom?!? Jeebers, my mom never even goes on the net... only checks her email.
Originally posted by   
hey if oj can get off, whoever shoots jacko will get off for sure.

I see your point. In that case, shoot the idiot. Lots of times by the way. Preferably in the kneecaps then the head.
Originally posted by Concept
Michael Jackson looks good to be in his fourtys. If you ask me, I think he has had some work done. ;)
Heck, he's had more than just a little work! :lol: How many nose surgeries is he at now... 4, I think?
Originally posted by RVDNuT374
That post was actually made by my mom while I was at school.:rolleyes: She's worse w/ smilies than I am!:lol:

i figured you couldn't write that good...
:crazy: That fool jerko Jackson has had like 10 nose surgeries, no
wonder his nose is fallin' off, his freakin' face is so distorted, what a mess!! He has also had lots of other work done to his face, all kinds of surgeries, and with NO improvement if you ask me, anyway, that fool deserves NO kids in that WACKO JACKO enviornment!!!! :mad:
Exactly what I was thinking.

Although their post content seems quite simmilar.

Maybe I can tell by the average amount of smileys per post?

Well Michael Jackson is STRANGE :odd: in more
ways than that!!! I think that CREEP should NOT be any where
near children, Afew years ago all he did was have children companions, then one of them says a little FUNNY business was going on behind the scenes(we all know what that sicko was doing) well, he pays the kid off to keep quiet, and you never heard no more about it, IT'S A SHAME!! He's sick, should have all 3
kids taken away!!!! :mad:
I saw one of those "entertainment" shows last night (it was on while I cooked dinner after the news), and they were talking about MJ's baby dangling scene. The were talking to Cher about it. Man was she pissed. Apparently she has disowned him as a friend, and was going on a little rant about it, using bleeped out language and everything. It was pretty funny.

I think I just gossipped :rolleyes:
The first star came out againist good ol' Mike last night!

Cher has said he is crazy, and has nothing to say in support of him. She encourages the investigation into taking his children away.

This is what it is going to take in order for a serious look to take place. All the major stars are to scared to take a stnce againist him, and now that Cher has, maybe big names will follow!
:mad: y'know that's really bad to endanger the welfare of your children, I mean if he's that wacked out that even Cher has finally noticed, I wish they would do something, Wacko Jacko should stop worrying about himself and his distorted face so much, and definately do something for the children, it's such a shame, really..
only the kids will suffer.. :(
who gives a rat's ass about celebrities anyway, i'm sure certain people do alot worse in their own homes, like smoke crack and watch oprah.

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