- 3,770
- Manning, SC
Did you see the pictures of that FREAK Michael no nose Jackson
dangling his son over the railing 60, yes 60 feet in the air, that fool don't even know how to hold a baby, and the faces he was making, he looked like he was totally freakin' BIG TIME!!! Any way,he has 3 kids, I think all adopted (who would be sick enough to do the deed with that thing)..Child Welfare services are investigating and deciding whether or not to take the kids away from him, I think he should NEVER have had kids, or raised them in his weird enviornment, for god's sake, the kids play with his monkeys, the monkeys are bigger than them, they could hurt the kids severley!! Wacko Jacko thinks this is alright behavior. What a FOOL!!
Let me know what u r thinkin'.