Wacko Michael Jerk Jackson dangling his newborn son

  • Thread starter RVDNuT374
His face is a train wreck.

So much plastic that Saturn is contracting with him to build a limited edition version out of spare parts. :lol:
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someone shot lennon, why cant someone shoot jacko?

They'd be doing the world a favor... would want that now would we? He used to be good, but now he's pretty much stuck in the past; trying to reclaim his former glory which he'll never get.
Look I don't know who the hell make you the king or something you have no right say his is not a good father to his kids and maybe his do something in his life not right but we can't sit here and say thing that not ture and Michael love his kids so much and his will do anything for his kids and so next time you want say something like that you beetter look in the mirroe beacues next Michael may be listen and it will hurt him so then any so Lever him along Thank you