Want to know what im listening to?

  • Thread starter Acid X
United States

I just finished working on this today... Took me alot of work, wasnt too hard, except i hit a few bumps (errors) along the way which was what made it so hard.

Needless to say im proud of myself for what i have done.

Oh, and this supposed "image" updates every time the song changes on my Winamp running off of this machine. If i dont have winamp open, it just says im listening to nothing.

Watcha think? :)
Just upgraded it a few minutes ago, now it can read if your listening to a radio stream, and get what your listening to. Not totally error-proof, im sure, because all i get in return is 0 when i try to retrieve data and im listening to a radio stream. I dont know what else would cause a return of 0, so im pretty sure of the script as of right now. :)
Ugh, my php setup went haywire. Im without a host for my script right now. I dont know what happened.. Better reinstall later..
Updated it again, it now says the number of mp3s i have in the top right corner. This is dynamically written to the image, too. ;)
Yep, pretty easy to make if you know what your doing.

Oh, and thanks. I have no idea how i made that bg :D