I'll send you a 2009 OR Level 21 ticket by the end of next week for FREE since i'm taking a little long to end my side of the deal (4 tickets left).
The thing is not because i'm taking long (although i do have a conscience) it's more the fact that you haven't harassed me about the tickets so far so it eases my pressure ( i have also 2 cars for Sharky,2 for your fellow countrymen a very good friend of mine Lammy77,1 to ch1potle and 1 ticket to gazelle68 to send all in before the 12th so it's tight) BUT i sincerely appreciate the laid back Outeke indeed 👍
Sorry for the testament...
Two 2009 tickets sent.
Outeke fr triggsie1 & triggsie2 I have a few free slots and don't need anything back
09 ticket will come tomorrow (for spongeing Bugatti)
OutekeYeah really no problem. I didn't sent them in a row either. And I'm not dying yet Thanks for the offer, a 2009 would made me the happiest
Awesome, nothing I can help you with?
Thanks mate
I've sent the requests! Thanks for this generous offer. If I can help you with anything someday, tomorrow, next week.....just pm me.
Nobody wanna trade for some horns or paint?
09' sent
I'll send one your way tomorrow if I can get on. I could do with a few more gold chrome chips if that's ok. 👍
I'm free all weekend and have the 2009 ticket. I would like a level 22 in return. PSN 'koldar308'
Can trade you a 2009 ticket on the 7th (3 days away ) for a 1974 BD ticket.
still want to trade 09 for 99bd ticket. i sent you a fr but the psn name on here does not exist
OutekeCool, you send me a fr?
You're still on my friend list.
Can also send you a 2009 for a 1980 on the 8th!
offer withdrawn, arranged something else in the meantime
99 and that's fine for me
Well I'm up for a trade again if you're still interested... the tickets I had yesterday disappeared in a server glitch, both of them.
I can supply a 2009 ticket for a 2002 if you like. I can trade anytime after the reset. Thanks.