Wanting Race Car

  • Thread starter fireant
Im wanting a race car thats good enough to take on the cars in the Pro Gran Turismo championships:
Post what you have and ill sya what im willing to off :)
Interested in a Sauber Mercedes C9 Race car?


What can you offer? lol
Well anything thats just as fast and doesnt need the tc on 10 using a pad and the X button for accelerator.
Or if someone gives me an f10 il add a tuned mclaren f1 and a tank car to the offer. Although if its true that you cant race an F10 in A spec like people are saying I dont want it and only the first offer stands.
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Got one and I mean race speed not just straight speed when it wont turn
^It's a beast of a car. Change the oil, and the HP will spike up to over 1000 :)

that car is ridiculously overpowered, I beat all stars by at least 5 seconds each race, and it beats just any race, th grip is just sssssssssssssssssoooooo great, and the brakes, seriously overpowered, plus mine has 990 hp