Could you provide a screenshot? It's tough to know what you're referring to otherwise.Hi everybody,
Since psn issues few days ago, a warning sign appears on my profile, in the game.
How could i remove this ?
That looks like your chosen race suit livery has been removed. What was on it?Here it is : it happens on saturday 15th when psn had some issues
I can see it on profile screen and on mode sport....
probably. god forbid a company gets free advertising. ive never understood that.If your suit happened to have DeWalt on it, that MIGHT be what got it removed (For some reason, the parent company has been on a crackdown with DeWalt logos being used). Otherwise, not sure what else would cause it.
Yup, that 100% was the reason. As you said, anything involving DeWalt‘s logo gets removed, I‘ve had several of my liveries involving their logo deleted in the past. You will also notice that newly uploaded DeWalt user decals only stay up for a couple of days at most before they get removed from the showcase.If your suit happened to have DeWalt on it, that MIGHT be what got it removed (For some reason, the parent company has been on a crackdown with DeWalt logos being used). Otherwise, not sure what else would cause it.
Some companies, as is their right, are very protective of their IP. Look at Nintendo as a highly visual example of this.Wonder why ??
Maybe someone should follow the money and see why ?
As a brand, you would think they look for free publicity...
... Could it be a competitor trying to wipe DeWalt out ?