Watch Dogs

It's good to get back into the groove of things in Chicago, this time as T-Bone. I've only done two of the ten main missions so far and two of the driving contracts. Nice how the emphasis on those has changed a bit...I won't say any more than that for now.

Also an intersting take on the available side-missions, including limited availability online ones which refresh every four hours for us all to compete on.
Well, has no one else bothered with getting the DLC? It's awfully quiet out here...hello?

Still got quite a bit to do - there are always new groups of missions cropping up (well, two sets so far) and I'm still only half way through the main story list. So, it's a pretty big DLC.

I blame those leaderboard missions...
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Almost done with this game, really not bad at all, it does have major flaws and major strong points will review it later.
Welp just finished it, decent game I have to say despite the internet hate.


The missions are awesome, very enjoyable
The hacking adds so much
NPCs having character descriptions adds to the game
graphics at night are very good
Side characters are epic


Graphics are average from what I expected
Story line is Meh to below average
One dimensional protagonist
The driving mechanics
some other game play decisions

Overall, I believe a 7/10 is a proper score, maybe 7.5 if I find the online enjoyable.
I tend to ignore the internet hate - the internet as a place, or entity never seems to be very happy for one reason or another.

I get their response atleast to the meh graphics, but would love to see a sequel, will miss the hacking in stuff in other open world games.
I get their response atleast to the meh graphics, but would love to see a sequel, will miss the hacking in stuff in other open world games.
You will, I can tell you ;)

I actually like the graphics, especially having come back after completing the game in what feels like such a long absence now, to do the T-Bone DLC. It seemed that the pedestrians were so much more natural than say compared to Infamous:Second Son. I don't know if the game engine has been tweaked since release, probably, but it was great to come back to Chicago and relive it all again (it also seems to rain more now...)

If you got the season pass, the DLC is waiting for free on the PS Store for you.
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You will, I can tell you ;)

I actually like the graphics, especially having come back after completing the game in what feels like such a long absence now, to do the T-Bone DLC. It seemed that the pedestrians were so much more natural and natural than say compared to Infamous:Second Son. I don't know if the game engine has been tweaked since release, probably, but it was great to come back to Chicago and relive it all again (it also seems to rain more now...)

If you got the season pass, the DLC is waiting for free on the PS Store for you.

Might get it, T-bone is awesome, yeah I agree the graphics aren't bad at all, I love it during rain and at night.

I can't believe they left the whole escape the police by boat exploit that was rather stupid, will start playing multiplayer any recommendations on game modes?
...will start playing multiplayer any recommendations on game modes?
To be truthful, I couldn't get my head around the online free-roam part. Online hacking, I've not sought any contracts but just dealt with those attempting to hack me - so I'm perhaps the worst person to ask in that respect.

I liked online races though - they can get quite intense and there is a fair variety, including bikes.
I got this for Christmas, About done with story. It's not bad but if some of the things would be a bit more well sooner I wouldn't of failed so much due to random right turn after I miss the turn.
For MP I have it turned off right now so I don't get interrupted on single player.
I got this for Christmas, About done with story. It's not bad but if some of the things would be a bit more well sooner I wouldn't of failed so much due to random right turn after I miss the turn.
For MP I have it turned off right now so I don't get interrupted on single player.
You don't get interupted in any single player mission. You can only br hacked while not on a mission.
Well now that I have the story done and a few other things just one problem. I have 14/15 gang hangouts, and I cannot get the last one to unlock. Grr.
So I recently got this on PS4 and have just finished the story. Graphically it doesn't look that much better than the PS3 version but the cars do look a little more detailed, especially for the interiors. Even though I'd already played all the missions on PS3, playing them again on PS4 was a lot of fun. Right now I'm mostly doing online hacking and tailing which is even more fun than I remember it being. Tailing isn't that fun if you do it normally but I find it way more fun getting a vehicle and just getting the victim to start chasing me. I actually had 2 seperate chases where I stole a fire truck and had a 10-15 minute chase through multiple boroughs before they managed to stop me. In the first chase I came to a dead end at the docks (where the auction is) but I actually managed to evade in the second. In the 2nd chase the victim blew up my truck by hacking the explodey things on the ground (no idea what they're called) so I managed to steal the RX-7-ish car and he got a V8 sports car. He continually rammed me and tried to wreck my car but I actually ended up getting away, even though I was in a much slower car.

I also had 1 instance in online hacking where I managed to successfully blend in to a crowd. I did it so well that he went right up next to me but couldn't profile me until the hack got up to 90% and he found me. I then managed to get into an Evoque-ish SUV and we had a chase through the Loop in identical cars. He very nearly killed me a few times but I managed to get away. Right after this he did a retaliation but it was shortlived as I saw him parking his RX-7 near me and I shot a full mag from my SR-25 right into his car before he could even start the hack. I'll have a video of all this hopefully uploaded today.

Here's a few highlights from hacking players last week (none of what's talked about above is in it):

I also ran into the worlds most useless criminal in SP: