Weekly Drawing Contest 2: Freestyle Design (different catagory next week)

  • Thread starter Rogue Ssv

Next contest?

  • Modernization of an old/classic car

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Halo car for company of your choice

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Customization:D

    Votes: 3 42.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yay, thats what I was going for.
I was going to do that as an entry here, but since its confirmed for next week now, Ill just come up with something else.
You could do that...
Then what the hell would that be, you design a new fiat 500 and customize it?:odd::confused:
Just modernize, custom an existing one next week.
uhm.. thats kind of what i was saying..
But we'll know if its a Fiat 500 re-hash with a wings west wing, ugly graphics, and 30'' Lexanis :yuck:

OK, I dunno what to do: A Rolls Royce Coupe (Exelro rival)
Or a Rolls Royce ricer (fo' fun)
Or a Rolls Royce Bentley GT rival

And I am NEVER changing Fern OR Turner.
Fine, what do you recommend? Celeres?
Hey guys, My entry will be in by the end of the day i just have absolutgely no time right now. Its drawn and ready to scan but i have shool v. v. soon. Will talk to you's this arfternoon with my entry that ive been workin on ;)

cya then

Damn, I may not have time to do another one.
Should I go with the great but blurry first one or selfishly extend the dead line?
Yes! I managed to scrape out this:

Behold, the Rolls-Royce Celeres (Latin for swift or quick), the new Maybach Exelro rival!
Might I remind you all that the deadline is in 2 hours and 4 minutes 45 seconds?
Not too long a time.
Git' yore entries in pplz!!!
We have 5 so far, including exigracer who will win--Ill put down $50 on that (if I can manage to scrounge up that money). Ah, well... hurry up anyone else who wishes to participate!