Weekly Photography Week 10

  • Thread starter Burnout

The theme is "Motion", by emad.

That doesn't mean, however, taking a picture of something moving. It means, more so, to take a picture of something that represents motion.
Muy difícil. This one will requires some thought.
Not really.

An easy example is a car. A car was made for motion. Take a picture of a car.

Don't really take a picture of a car, as that would be...lame, however, I think you get the idea.
I like the subject, it's a good choice. I don't see why anyone wouldn't like it.
I'll submit my entry when I get home.
I will do it, I just need a decent idea and pic first. We can't always pick easy things to shoot. I accept the challenge.
Three and a half days and no entry's? Not looking so good.
This'll do for me. And it has a "Halloweeny" feel to it. :scared:
Final Entry
see- anyone w/ photoshop can feign a ghost in thier photo lol.. however.. i do have an idea for this.. so yeah.. it'll prolly be up in a few hours if i can find what i'm looking for (at home- i'm at school right now)

edit: cars aren't the only things that move.. and it doesn't mean move people.. heh.. think of something that can't stay still (at least not for long)💡
Three and a half days and no entry's? Not looking so good.
This'll do for me. And it has a "Halloweeny" feel to it. :scared:
Final Entry

Nice. I've got a similar photo that I am considering entering if I don't get anything else.
see- anyone w/ photoshop can feign a ghost in thier photo
No Photoshop here. It was a 15 second exposure with very little light. I walked into the frame, stopped for a few seconds, repeat and walked out of the frame. Just me any my camera. Hence why it's an entry for the photography comp. :)
Where are all the damn entries at? It will be a competition between TB and I, and maybe suzq044's awesome judgemental skills :ill: .

my entry

the other that i was thinking of using
Nice pic, antihero. Hope the camera didn't get too wet.
my final entry..

you have to think about this one.. i didnt take a picture OF motion, i took a picture of something that makes you think of it... also bear in mind, my camera sucks.. lol
Jaguar at the Shanghai GP. Am I too late?


  • jaguar_shanghai.jpg
    29.3 KB · Views: 24
Technically, since this is a weekly comp, entrys should have stopped on the 3rd (since the topic was posted on the 27th). But with the limited entrys (as of the 3rd there were only 2), looks like you're in luck. :)👍
i thought this was supposed to show the concept of motion, not motion itself? .. or was i confused :embarrassed:
That's true. I think you're right.

Most (me included!) took the "easy" way, shooting long exposure pics of moving objects/people.