Weekly Photography Week 11

  • Thread starter Burnout
I think I will try to participate in this one. Can the picture be from a few weeks ago, or does it have to be taken within the last week? Here in Wisconsin, it has been a little cold lately to go see any water.
I think I will try to participate in this one. Can the picture be from a few weeks ago, or does it have to be taken within the last week? Here in Wisconsin, it has been a little cold lately to go see any water.
It's prefered to be taken recently, but if you can't there is no problem using a picture you took a little while ago. đź‘Ť
Here is my first ever photography entry, I hope you like it.

No I didn't edit the lighting. This picture was taken at night near Interlaken in Switzerland, and the waterfal was lit up by a few large lamps placed at the bottom. I promise I did not edit the lighting.

And no, I don't think that editing it is allowed...
If we were to do another subject, may I suggest Reflections as a topic? I'd say that it would give a couple nice entries.
Quote from Week one
There you have it. Something to do with water.

Gonna have to give my support to a theme change this week. Reflection sounds cool/fun. đź‘Ť
I think I will try to participate in this one. Can the picture be from a few weeks ago, or does it have to be taken within the last week? Here in Wisconsin, it has been a little cold lately to go see any water.

Rained today, though. At least in Madison, so maybe I'll get something towards dusk.

Sorry guys. I went around and looked at almost all of the photography competition threads for water, for some reason I thought we had done it. Oops!

Reflections it is!

...ITR = Integra Type-R.
Probably Integra Type R's screen name shortened. I have seen ITR used instead of writing in full before.

Woops! Sorry, I posted at the same time as the post above.