Weekly Photography Week 22 :: Red

  • Thread starter Burnout
Subject: Red.

Just to note, that doesn't mean that the whole image needs to be completely red. It does, however, mean that the clear subject and focus of the photo needs to be red. Be it Little Red Riding Hood running through a forest, just make sure you make it clear that she's the focus.

This'll be the first week of a series, the series of Color. Each week we're going to focus on a different color. Next week will be green, the week after that blue, and the last week will be yellow.

Also, because the subject should be easy for everyone to get a picture of, I'm going to ask that for this series you take the picture you use while that particular competition is going on, the only exception being that you can go ahead and take a picture for, say, the yellow subject, which will be the last week of the series, or if you simply cannot get out to take a picture.

For the sake of the series, I'm going to be a bit stricter on closing the competitions when they're supposed to be closed for this series. That is to say, I'll be aiming for a week, maybe 1.5, for each.
Are we really not allowed to use older pictures...?

I can't seem to take a decent picture of something red. :guilty:
Are we really not allowed to use older pictures...?

I can't seem to take a decent picture of something red. :guilty:
Try playing with the temperatures on your raws maybe? It can really help brighten up the color. It made a pretty nice difference on my shot.
Are we really not allowed to use older pictures...?

I can't seem to take a decent picture of something red. :guilty:
If you absolutely have to, yeah. Just try to take one first. 👍
Try playing with the temperatures on your raws maybe? It can really help brighten up the color. It made a pretty nice difference on my shot.
Thanks for the tip. I've tried messing with that as well, with no good results at all. Yours looks very nice though.

If you absolutely have to, yeah. Just try to take one first. 👍
I took a few already, I just don't like them.
Any idea when you'll be making the poll?

I'm not expecting to win any votes with this one, but here's my contribution to see if we get this thing going again.

im actually terrible at photography, but oh well...
i was browsing through my Road Atlanta drifting event photos and searching GTP forums when i stumbled upon this thread...and it said RED (omg i rhymed! oops) well i also saw this photo i took of the brand new (at that time) kumho colored smoke drifting tires......


If its horrific, i dont care as im not good at photography....just showing my pic of red, if its excellent, umm thanks!


I thought this helped the image out a bit.
Just personal opinion though.
I'm typically not the best person to crop and add elements to pictures.
Gr. Sorry for the double posting!
I forgot you can't upload more pictures after the original post.
This is just something that I managed to have.
Isn't the best, but its the most recent and most red.

Went to a greenhouse for photo shoots
finally got something in red
but style is a bit lacking :indiff:

Nice picture ITR.

Alright guys, it's time to start this sucker back up. I'm going to post the poll here as soon as I have some time (may be a few days due to Thanksgiving and what's not), but we're going to get it rolling again.

Any suggestions on improvements or anything?

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