Weekly Race Series, Week - 8, Rally round the family.

  • Thread starter boombexus
Best clean one so far:

T1 - 33.255
T2 - 1.01.410
T3 - 1.24.181

I still haven't tried any suspension settings. I don't even know what I would even need to do, the car feels pretty neutral as is.
Any ideas?:confused:
Thanx boom:👍
:D Best clean Lap w/lotus350's set-up + a little "fiddling":


w/AT/Blue Wheel...UB57
I'm running with the springs at 12.0 and the ride height at minimim. TCS is set to 0, wings at max and VCD to 20%.

There's just so much to play with on these 4WD rally cars, 6 diff settings is more than my brain can cope with, and the mixed loose and tar complicates the settings too.

My best saved lap has excellent T1-T3s but the last sector was a couple of tenths off my best. I'm finally running at full bhp, without finding something major in the diff, I'm not going to go much quicker.

T1: 32.839
T2: 59.813
T3: 1'21.523

IDAFC21, I'm not sure if your bend is crucial or not. I'm taking it totally flat, just knocking the car down a gear as the speed scrubs off. Looks like that's where I'm gaining time, particularly on UB57. To my mind the important thing is to get right on the apex of each of the hairpins. Easier typed than done.

Another peice of advice is to keep the gap in ratios between 2nd and 3rd gear down. I found 2nd was spinning wheels too much, but 3rd might bog down, so raising 2nd and lowering 3rd made the first sequence of hairpins easier.
Hey Wastegate :
:D GOOD INFO !!! I too felt something's not quite right w/trans but couldn't put my finger on it. Will give your solution a try.

Haven't yet got to where I can "Flat Foot" it thru the sweeper as
IDAFC21 does. Every time I scold myself for NOT doing it as 2/3s of the way thru I realize I shouldn't have "Lifted." (Can't teach an "Old Dog" New Tricks, eh???) I've just never had a rallye ride this stable & need to break a bad habit.

Guess I'm awake enough to give it a shot for a few laps, Thanx again...UB57
Well, just decided to give Wastegates Min ride height 12/12 springs a go and managed to get my first 1.00 T2 but only a 1'00.969 ... also improved my lap time by .5 gonna check if thats clean or not now .

Thanks Wastegate 👍

Also I don't know how the heck you guys can do this on the wheel ... I tried but failed miserably :( not so good on the counter steering with the wheel :embarrassed:
I've managed to get a 1.01.4xx as fastest T2 with my own settings. But knowing they are mine, they automatically suck!

So i will try Lotus' settings tonight, together with the hints of Wastegate:)
Here's my current set up and new sectors :) gonna have a couple of days break from it now :D

12 / 12
75 / 75
8 / 8
7 / 7
3.0 / 2.5
-2.0 / -0.5
3 / 3

13 / 13

lsd's all 5

max df
asm / tcs @ 0

final 3.239
auto 22


T1 33.180
T2 1'00.903 ( damn! looks like I hit the wall with my inside left tyre going in the S before T2 :irked: )
T3 1'23.001

Gona have to get a cleaner one now

lotus350 & Wastegate: THANK YOU...THANK YOU

:D Added much stiffer springs ala your posts above & WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! Only a little quicker up to T2 but LOTS QUICKER from there to the Finish Line. This thing "SMOKES" on the Tarmac now. (Actually it DOESN'T smoke the tyres like it did which is probably where I'm making up the most time.)

Anyone having trouble on the "Tarmac" try the set-up above, I took over .8xx second off my total time...UB57

Thanx again lotus350 & Wastegate 👍

Oh BTW: Since I last drove an "Un-Tuned" Lancia here w/similar HP I've taken off over SEVEN SECONDS w/chassis tuning tips from this thread...Thanx All
New best clean time:

T1 : 32.911
T2: 1.00.743
T3: 1.23.002

My best T3 was a 1.22.4xx, but at the finishline i was exactly 0.002 seconds slower than my fastest time untill then:banghead:
Alright, well before i forced myself to turn off the PS2 last night (er, this morning technically, haha) I managed a new best lap w/ these times
t1: 33.1

And now i just tried wastegates suggestions of of minimum ride height, 12/12 springs, and adjusting 2nd and 3rd gear a little, and it took a few laps, but i now have a best save of
t1: 32.7
t2: 1'00.1
t3: 1'22.3

:eek: First and second sectors were just smokin, im sure my t3 couldve seen more improvement too but there were a couple turns i really didnt take the best lines thru. I had to pause the screen and take a few deep breaths after i saw that 1'00.1 on the screen....haha. I think im done for now, no way im gonna try and follow that up, gotta let the nerves settle down a little bit first.
Ok so i lied...i just couldnt put the controller down and had to run a few more laps...and get ready for this, cuz im even starting to scare myself here:

T1: 32.3
T2: 59.7

:eek: :eek: :eek: Im STILL losing time between my T2 and T3 sectors tho, as compared to wastegates 1'21.5 t3 time, and im pretty sure a big chunk of it is going to that sharp left hander after the long straight after the T2 sector...cuz i get so jumpy everytime i see a good t2 up there i almost lose it on that one, nothing major, but i think i just go into it a little too fast and need to counter steer more to keep the car from spinning out, which is probably dropping my time a little. But cripes...i never expected these times...haha. NOW im done....for awhile at least :mischievous:
I meant to get back to some racing the week before and the one before that but school just pops things out on you all of a sudden :irked:. I will definately get to this one this week 👍 :D...
wow you guys are fast. My times
T1-34.053 T2-1:02.621 T3-1:25.681
I have taken over 4 sec off my best time yesterday so Maybe I will try a little more tomorrow and we'll see. But I dont think I can match IDAFC you rock. I am using Lotus setup modified just a tad for me
I lowered the ride height a bit and I like my brakes stiffer than everyone else it seems. :D
I think IDAFC and I are the only beginners to post any T times. Is there anyone else to post any T times??? I hope so . I would like to see how I am doing compared to the rest of us, not just the pros. I cant really compete with them or IDAFC for that matter. :mad: But I have fun
Hey stevo357 :
:D Having FUN is what it's all about & I'm havin' a Blast on this one. Haven't the slightest idea what I'm doing & would give anything to join Wastegate 👍 & IDAFC21 👍 in the "Sub 1 Minute @ T2 Club." MAYBE w/another 20 laps or so.

Best times so far w/AT & Wheel:

Total time...Down another .6xx

BTW: I've been posting like crazy & run in the middle of the Amateur Group.
actually stevo im in the amateur class too, but i still cant believe these times im pullin down. and they just keep getting better too, i ran some more laps earlier and found out not only was i losing time between my t2 and t3 sectors, but i was losing a LOT of time on the tarmac section at the end of the lap...but i fixed that ;) my previous best times were


but once i figured out where to make time on the tarmac section i had a crap lap that had


yet my overall lap time was .300th's BETTER than my previous save w/ the lower sector times. So i kept racing and i managed to throw a new blazing lap together w/ these times


and flyin thru the tarmac too. the way i take the tarmac section is go into that long left hander slower than you think you should be taking it, and a little over halfway into the turn as youre coming out of it just keep it floored and try to get as far left as you can (w/out braking traction on the tires to do it) so that when you go into that quick right/left chicane youre basically just lined up to go straight thru em. usually by the time i cross the finish line im in 6th gear and at about 110-111mph. that tarmac section can REALLY make or break your time. As far as what I said earlier about that long left hander after the T1 time, I found that you dont necessarily need to fly around it as FAST as you can (yeah it needs to be fast) but its really more important that you stick close to the inside of the turn, but still keep your speed up. what wastegate said about cutting into the apexes of the turns as close as you can is really true. I'm gonna go ahead and post up the settings im usin, in case anyone wants to give em a go

brakes: 13/18
lsd all 5's

1st: 4.544
3rd: 2.490
4th: 1.923
5th: 1.584
6th: 1.363
final: 3.040
d/f: max
tcs/asm: 0
vcd: 25%
Had to borrow some ideas from wastegate and IDAFC21...
Thanx guys...
I couldn't figure it out my self...
Also don't like the rallypart of GT3... But had to give it a shot...

Best save so far:
T1 32.6
T2 1'00.3
T3 1'22.3

Still some shaving to do...
:confused: Still bouncing between THREE different set-ups, but the good news for me is that I finally got into the 59s @ T2. The BAD NEWS is that I did it in SIM MODE!!! Got tired of trying to beat my lap times so thought I'd try a race since my lap times have kinda "topped out." :irked:

Anyone using "Blue Wheel w/AT" & needing help I have several set-ups that seem to work...UB57
keep at it UB youre right there man 👍 youve got some good times there, w/ some more practice im sure you'll be able to pull out a great lap. have you tried using the DS2? how about manual? that gearbox must be jumpin all over the place on auto...haha. theres a couple hills where its beneficial to keep it in a lower gear in order to get up em quicker. just keep at it man...why do i feel like we're gonna have a REALLY poor turnout for this one? haha
Aye looks that way :P pretty popular race this week.. and lots of nice settings to try ..:D cheers peeps..

Dunno if i will run it today im plannig on doing some snoozing ..Im so tired at the mo ..:D
I'm plannin on doing some boozing ( tonight of course ) :D and staying off this until Sunday or Monday as I grated a bit of my thumb nail off with the cheese grater :irked: I don't expect a good result here at all, Wastegate will be hard to catch :eek:
ouch i dunno how many times i've done that ..Bloody sore eh..:ouch: I was a chef once ..but thats history :)

oh aye i will definatly be going for a tipple myself later on ..It's religion :D
:eek: lots of ideas for settings to run :) * rumages about like a kid in a candy bag mmm* :D which ones to try ....
From what i can remember this car is very loose at the rear and can be spun out very easily..
And i think that you need to hug all the apex's to get a reasonable time...
Originally posted by IDAFC21
i kept racing and i managed to throw a new blazing lap together w/ these times
and flyin thru the tarmac too.

Holy Moses, IDAFC21 👍 that was some run there, quicker than me to T3 and I wasn't good through the final sector either. You must be stressing yourself out to get a time like that. Please take the weekend off ;)

I've been running my diffs at higher settings than 5/5/5s, and I think this has been slowing me on the tarmac section.

Will spit on my hands and get down to some serious work on this at the weekend, we can't have these Amateurs winning again! Where's Mr P and Max E when you need them.