Weekly Race Series. Week 9 - 40 Apricots

  • Thread starter boombexus
Originally posted by Luxy

I'll probably get flamed for this, but after driving the GT-40 for the first time today, I have to say that I don't understand it's popularity. I get that the car looks slick (one of my favourites, in terms of looks) but it just handles like *ss.

Hey Luxy,

You wont get flammed by me. I completely agree with you. This car has the brakes of a 10 speed bicycle and handling characteristics similar to a shopping cart. I have rarely driven this car, but it's starting to grow on me.
Originally posted by Ducati

anyway...what if my fastest lap happens to be the 11th or 12th or something lap.....when i click replay, it starts at the 1st LAP now i don't see that being anymore logical, having to wait until your 12th lap comes around to get your T2/3 times? *sigh* or do i havto restart so that if i view replay it only shows my fast one? ugh im so lost lol

Just save your fastest lap time. Then you can view your replay in the "Replay Theatre."

Just keep overwriting your original save as you get faster times.
Originally posted by Luxy
I'll probably get flamed for this, but after driving the GT-40 for the first time today, I have to say that I don't understand it's popularity. I get that the car looks slick (one of my favourites, in terms of looks) but it just handles like *ss.
:D NOT BY ME at least LUXY !!! Got lotsa rides that handle better on T2s then this thing does on T8s!!! Kinda like driving on ICE, can't imagine what it's like on Hard Tyres! BTW: Also doesn't SOUND like ANY Small Block Ford I've ever heard...more like a Vacuum Cleaner on Steroids...UB57
I've always thought GT40's were a great looking car, but would havto agree with everyone else here.....the first thing i said when i drove it was
This things on T8's!?!?!?!?!
Whew! I tried to drive the GT40, but it seems like I need to do some tune-ups :)

T2: 25.976
T3: 51.584
If ure having problems ..
Spring Rate 18.0 16.0.........First N/A
Ride Height 60 62................ Second N/A
Shock Bound 5 6.................Third N/A
Shock Rebound 7 8..............Fourth N/A
Camber 2.1 2.0..................Fifth N/A
Toe 0.0 -0.5 .......................Sixth N/A
Stabilizer 4 4......................Final N/A
Brake Balance 18 17..........Auto Set 36
Downforce 0.83 1.00.............Assist / Misc
Limited Slip .......................Front Rear ASM 0
Initial Torque ....................N/A 10 TCS 2
Accel N/A 30 ...........VCD N/A
Decel N/A 10 .................AYC N/A

my settings

the N/A means either not available or dont change it leave it stock
my quickest lap time was a good one, but unfortunatly i watched the replay and saw that without remembering....i traveled off the track at one point, all 4 tires...so i had to void that lap and start over :( but i'm making progress on it, my current best is
T2 23.478 / T3 48.60
it's really hard to get a good line around the sharp right hairpin.....and today i spent a good 71 miles trying to find a great line, and the only way i can take it and keep speed is hard to be consistant.....:irked:
*sigh* i better get used to it cuz i was the one who wanted to do this lol
anyway how many miles do most of you put on your cars whilest doing a weeks worth of running? i put over a hundred on the GT40 today, so....that's like 6-700 miles if i keep at it, which is more than i've got on my most used car :lol:
Allright peeps hows the racing going. ? ..no improvment as yet on my previous laps ..allthough i have beaten it with ease but had a couple of meetings with the grass on the section after T1 ( this is one tricky bit to get right)..also at the grass after the final schicane..
I can definatly see some posibilitys with my setuip ..It's just findind the sweet spot..

I can run my car for just over 100K then i need to reload due to Bhp loss..

@Ducati nobody will flame you here mate just because you don't like a car (remember the astra folks) :lol: and max E with the vette :lol:
I personally love the GT40 i know it handles like crap but it's a real joy for me to try and tame it and to drive it ..

Also Ducati try and not save your game when running TT or your car will lose Bhp just save your Replays, & settings..I think after 300K the car will decrease in Bhp..
When you next load up your car will be nice and fresh ;)

Good luck and welcome to the weekly race series :)
In the not too distant future when I visit Glasgow to trace my family tree, I'll be sure to meet up with you.
after a quick trial run and guessed settings, ive got a 23.3 and 47.5 sector times. i hope theres as much room for improvement in this race as there was in the rally race for me. hehe. i think i took a good 6 or 7 seconds off my total time in the course of that race last week. Time to go race some more, still tryin to get used to the car
Oh yeah, shes comin alive now. 22.9 and 46.8 will do it for tonight. i'll try and get more racing in tomorrow in between loading programs and music back into my computer. I kinda like this car, granted it is a bit spotty sometimes, like was said somtimes it just seems like you hit a patch of black ice or somthing and the car doesnt wanna turn, but if you work w/ it a bit it can do what you want. id definently take this over the Astra..haha, god what a heap
I like the gt40 sure it is a little loose in the back end, it doesnt brake very well
it looks really cool and its a classic. Some of the early corvettes looked really cool but handled like a concrete block on skateboard wheels but once you get used to it it rocks!!
Originally posted by boombexus
T2: 22.802
T3: 46.353

Nice T3 Rob 👍 been down that low myself but have came off the track a few times ..Im just pushing that wee bit too hard..

Im sure the 45's are on as i have been down to 22.2 @T2 it's just keeping this thing on track :mischievous:

Back later with some hopefully improved times :)
Originally posted by boombexus

1. 2 tires on the track at all times.
2. Rumble strips are considered part of the track.
3. No short cutting.

[edit] You changed the picture?[/edit]

Well you may have broken #3, but #'s 1 and 2 can reverse that.

You'll have to wait for BoomBoom The RuleMaster Man to respond.
What the hell?

Have you been smoking the weed again?

Tsk, tsk, young laddie, you'll soon realise that the weed is bad...

;) :lol:
not today chap sobber as a judge :D

well im not too fussed if it is a bad move i had a T3 of 46.009 that lap i assure you was 100% but not as quick as this lap..

Just thought i would check ;)

As far as im concerned im gonna scrap that lap i know i can beat it ..it's still early days yet..

Back to the track i go :D
ok had a few in the 40:irked:

best sectors so far...


best save has 22.4/46.0:banghead:

i'll fiddle with the gears a bit , i'll be back
Boom, why dont you advertize the series at some sites where your a member, you might get some more traffic.

Im doing pretty good I guess. I dont remeber my T2's though. I can only shave off a few parts of a second at a time ;)...