Weekly Rivals Mode Thread FINAL WEEK

  • Thread starter RikkiGT-R
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I've just done the valantines rival event and I'm about to do the bounty hunter event at Le Mans.

This is the first time I've ever done a bounty hunter event. When do we usually get the prize cars?
I've just done the valantines rival event and I'm about to do the bounty hunter event at Le Mans.

This is the first time I've ever done a bounty hunter event. When do we usually get the prize cars?

You might be in the wrong thread :confused::lol:
I think this has run it's course lads. Barely any posts on the thread now, very little interest all round.

Gonna compile a final leaderboard come Wednesday and maybe some "total" outright winner.
Thanks for all your enthusiasm so far, it's given the game a new lease of life for me and taught me a lot (like how I borderline suck).

Anyway, onwards and upwards.

I’m sorry to hear about that, I want to thank you I really enjoyed some of the car/tracks combinations, it made the game more enjoyable to me! :guilty:
@RikkiGT-R maybe it's bcs two fresh Bountys and new Chiron event, that came just in our weekly one?

Even in that official events number of entries are poor.

I'm doing little bit of everything, but I feel and know your frustration, it's way hardest to keep people somewhere...

Not many words except thank you for what you did, though I came too late in this beautiful competition world.
The only post in days was from @GTPVenomZombie and they were in the wrong thread :lol:

I do think I'm gonna start it up again, maybe late Spring or closer to summer. I don't like how messy the OP is here, and how much fiddling around I have to do to write out the leaderboards each week...
I think I can do it better than this one if I spent more time planning it out. I didn't even reserve a few extra posts after the OP for Leaderboards and what not (as people usually do for threads like this one).

So... it's not finished for good. Just on temporary hiatus :gtpflag:
The only post in days was from @GTPVenomZombie and they were in the wrong thread :lol:

I do think I'm gonna start it up again, maybe late Spring or closer to summer. I don't like how messy the OP is here, and how much fiddling around I have to do to write out the leaderboards each week...
I think I can do it better than this one if I spent more time planning it out. I didn't even reserve a few extra posts after the OP for Leaderboards and what not (as people usually do for threads like this one).

So... it's not finished for good. Just on temporary hiatus :gtpflag:

:banghead: I personally will miss the weekly lapping not that I’ve done many these past couple of weeks
If anyone’s playing multiplayer and fancy’s some racing send the invite over :D I will reply if I’m unable to join or race
Until the spring or summer it’s been fun :gtpflag:
The only post in days was from @GTPVenomZombie and they were in the wrong thread :lol:

I do think I'm gonna start it up again, maybe late Spring or closer to summer. I don't like how messy the OP is here, and how much fiddling around I have to do to write out the leaderboards each week...
I think I can do it better than this one if I spent more time planning it out. I didn't even reserve a few extra posts after the OP for Leaderboards and what not (as people usually do for threads like this one).

So... it's not finished for good. Just on temporary hiatus :gtpflag:
Thats a shame. I personally just had little time last two weeks because of my kid (teeth etc), but I enjoyed the competition very much. Maybe someone from us can continue while you are (temporarily) away? Thanks for all your work!
Thats a shame. I personally just had little time last two weeks because of my kid (teeth etc), but I enjoyed the competition very much. Maybe someone from us can continue while you are (temporarily) away? Thanks for all your work!

OK OK! :lol:
Seems there is still quite a bit of interest.

I'm going to re-launch it within a week or so. I want to do a new OP, new format, maybe new rules etc. I don't like how messily I started this one, how I gather the times and type out the leaderboards etc is a massive faff about. Even the voting for the new track; hardly anyone votes lately so I might scrap that part altogether, I'll come up with something new and interesting and start a new and improved thread.

Watch this space, as the saying goes... :cheers:
Yay! Since there are only 17teeth to go, I am looking forward :-). Maybe don‘t even let people vote, because somebody will always be unhappy. (Just an idea...)
Just to update you guys -

I've been working away on a new rivals mode format and it's almost ready to post/begin, perhaps at the end of this coming weekend (25th February).
I haven't bothered with the Leaderboards for the final week here because the relaunch and reformat is more important in my opinion.

I really hope you guys will get involved again. I've put a lot of thought into it, I was never totally happy with this original one since I posted it within an hour of getting the idea; the OP is messy and jumbled, the Leaderboards were an afterthought, the planning was all over the place and we were really just jumping randomly from week to week. Think of this original one as a "test run", which helped to form the upcoming one.

I'm excited :gtpflag:
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