Here is my current, and most balance suspension set up thus far (220Hp, 815Kg, 460Pp)
Ballast: 71Kg @ -49 making the distribution 52/48, but it still slings out the rear like it is the opposite
RH: -8/4
SR: 6.9/7.1
D(E): 5/5
D(C): 5/4
ARB: 7/6
C: 1.7/1.1
T: -.05/-.04
Hi Lawrence..
I just crunched some numbers:
With 71kgs of ballast @ -49, confirmed as you wrote, this 'reverses' the weight distribution from 48fr - 52rr to 52fr - 48rr.
The springs, according to my theory would be starting at (then adjusted by % to suit track / driving style etc etc):
Fr = 8.8
Rr = 8.0
But you have yours:
Fr = 6.9 (alot less than 50% of 'travel')
Rr = 7.1 (same as fronts, less than 50%)
Dampers Fr & Rr = 50% (approximately)
Roll bars FR & Rr = nearly 100%
My initial thoughts are that this is going to cause in-balance in the handling in my opinion. I'm not sure why you'd need the ballast at the front to be honest. I can 'balance' cars that have 40-60 or 60-40 weight distribution or even worse than that, so 52-48 shouldn't be too bad to 'sort out'. Before I start making recommendations, as others said in this thread:
1) where is the oversteer happening???
Under braking
When you 'lift off' brakes and turn in
Under acceleration out of corner
2) You haven't quoted LSD, brake, tyres and whether this is offline or online, but after racing with you on Saturday I'm presuming the answers to the last two are online and racing hards.
Can you confirm your brake figures??
What's happening with your tyres, are your fronts and rears heating up the at the same time, or are either of them at operating temp and the other still cold?
Which tyres, if any, are going 'red' and where / when is this happening in terms of braking, turning in and accelerating out??
An LSD has a big affect on the car's handling, especially with this historic cars that seem to be in a world of their own when it comes to grip levels (compared to modern cars) online. It's dificult to recommend changes without knowing about the LSD and brakes, but from your setup post I'd say.
Front springs too soft (compared to rear) and roll bars to high to start off with, but almost impossible to diagnose accurately until all the missing info is quoted.
I'll be chilling in my lobby late night, pop in if you're not racing, we'll try and sort this out for you.
I find springs/dampers/ARB to have faily little effect on balancing the car.
I'm the opposite, I find these parts of setup's are very important for balance (sorry Johan!!).
I agree with what you say on ride height and toe in your post though 👍 but be careful, too much + rear toe can sometimes cause understeer at the front.