We're about to go to war with a billion Chinese!

  • Thread starter s0nny80y
That's 1 billion people throwing rice at you... boo hoo. :ouch:

Actually it's about 2 billion people that control the world's economy and have no problem with going through thousands of their own soldiers to destroy an enemy power. No one could ever make a dent in their numbers; it'd be like trying to destroy all the roaches in the world. Not in terms of disgust towards Chinese people, in terms of numbers.

Think about it... how many times do you see something that doesn't say "Made in China"?

It's a scary situation we're all in.
Expect to see every soldier armed with a gatling when they see the swarms of Chinese soldiers over the crest of the hill.
So how exactly will China get over to the US ? and if they stay in china and we stop buying their crap because they are idiots and start causing trouble what then ? Do they sell their crap to North Korea ? If they are dumb enough to attack Japan or south Korea along with Taiwan they will find that all the billions of them make fine target practice . So knowing this what do they have to gain by going to war ? If they just stay happy and keep making all their crap soon like Japan they will have enough money to own part of the US and all the other western countrys . What good would a war be to them ? it would be nice to have a good enemy worthy of a large defence budget maybe ? Keep the arms industry going ? There's a few generals having orgasms thinking of a billion targets to dispose of maybe . other than that I guess we should all start quaking . :nervous: :crazy:
So how exactly will China get over to the US ? and if they stay in china and we stop buying their crap because they are idiots and start causing trouble what then ?
They want Taiwan, America has sworn to defend Taiwan. If anything America will go to them not the other way round. On the other hand America will struggle to keep their promise with already being stretched for men in Iraq.

If they are dumb enough to attack Japan or south Korea along with Taiwan they will finfd that all the billions of them make fine target practice . So knowing this what do they have to gain by going to war ?
You think a Iraqs with bomb laden cars are a problem, wait till you start to fight a country that actually has modern weaponry.It would be utterly foolish, if not suicidal, to underestimate China.
If they just stay happy and keep making all their crap soon like Japan they will have enough money to own part of the US and all the other western countrys . What good would a war be to them ?
They want their own little Empire, or atleast Taiwan.

it would be nice to have a good enemy worthy of a large defence budget maybe ? Keep the arms industry going ? Theirs a few generals having orgasms thinking of a billion targets to dispose of maybe .
Is this an American viewm Chinese or both?

China probably would liek to proove they are a military super power, on the otherhand the American Generals are probably crapping themselves. Where do they get anymore soldiers from, or do they rely on all of America's backing in a war to save Taiwan.
Why do you think the US would be stupid enough to send soldiers to fight a land war with China ? You are making a very large and wrong assumption . If you have bothered to read anything about American war plans since the war with North Korea you would most likely know that its not on the table. China would be contained to China By air and naval power .
any attacks into neighboring countries will be met with overwhelming force until China leaves or we run out of targets . you do not defeat the US by attacking Taiwan ...you just piss us off . Then no one can buy China's crap and will not buy it for a long time . China loses unless of course they can find a way to defeat the US and make us go away . let me know short of a nuclear war how they go about doing that . Unless they can get to the US they are just a bunch of target practice . Just like any other army in the world today .
Why do you think the US would be stupid enough to send soldiers to fight a land war with China ? You are making a very large and wrong assumption . If you have bothered to read anything about American war plans since the war with North Korea you would most likely know that its not on the table.
So why did they subosidly promise to protect Taiwan from China?

China would be contained to China By air and naval power .
any attacks into neighboring countries will be met with overwhelming force until China leaves or we run out of targets . you do not defeat the US by attacking Taiwan ...you just piss us off .
But planes and missiles can not 'hold' land. Why do you think the main battle tank is still a key feature of modern warfare?
Also China doesn't just have shoulder lanched SAMs, it has proper, ong range high altitude missiles. They might not take out a SR-71 but they'll send a F-15 scampering. Okay then there's the F-117. China has an airforce, yes airforces can be killed on the ground but China is a damn big counry to go scouring for airstrips.

Then no one can buy China's crap and will not buy it for a long time ..
The World needs China. Just like said Giancarlo said, few things aren't made in China.

China loses unless of course they can find a way to defeat the US and make us go away . let me know short of a nuclear war how they go about doing that . Unless they can get to the US they are just a bunch of target practice . Just like any other army in the world today
Who ever thought the North Vietnamese could make America withdraw? Don't underestimate pure numbers against modern weaponry.

The last two American conflictes have been against hated leaders, not nations.
Actually the best way to fight China is through economics, not war. Just embargo them and there country will fail. Plus they wouldn't do anything to piss America off, we support their economy. It doesn't really make sense.
What exactly can be made by China that cant be made elsewhere ? Are you kidding me ! Name one thing just one .
Once china invades Taiwan they have already lost the war . because China makes cheap crap that we buy means when China is not around someone ELSE gets to make cheap crap that we will buy . :)
Absolutly NO ONE in the world HAS to buy China's goods . NOT ONE PERSON . They make NOTHING that cant be found elsewhere . They make thing for less money so we buy it. The END . So now tell me again what they gain from invading Taiwan ? Aside from a few thousand missles being fired at them . What do you think happens ...ohhh the Chines invaded Taiwan ...lets buy a washing machine from them ! Or do they get blockaded and bombed untill they leave . And then who do they trade with after they are done ?
Have you thought this out at all ?
The US( if you have been reading about Vietnam ) left Vietnam because the South Vietnamese government was worse than the communist and the PEOPLE of the US lost the desire to keep sacrificing troops for no good reason . The North Vietnamese never defeated the US militarily . We left . What do you think would have happened if all the US wanted to do was take over Vietnam ? Or just defeat them ? I think you need to look at that war a bit more .
Except in China things are made dirt cheap, you couldn't get that in other countries. Plus there are millions of factories over there. If you moved you would have to build new factories and that would rasie the prices. Everything can always be made else where.

Plus China likes American companies, look at what they let GM do. Now just about every Chinese person's car will be a Chevy...a crappy Chevy but still a Chevy.
Yes I have.

And you are right. Everything China makes can be made elsewhere, however, nowhere near as cheap. And what you're proposing isn't a gradual economic movement but a 'up and anty'. Companies will stand to lose millions in machines alone, not something that can be easily replaced, cheaply or quickly.

And why do China make everything so cheap? Because they have so many people in such a small aea (cities, not as a nation), and flount workers rights like no other industrialised nation.

And what of the oil companies? They have been making billions from Chinas hunger, do you think they'll just abandon one of their biggest customers, US sanctions or not.
Who ever thought the North Vietnamese could make America withdraw? Don't underestimate pure numbers against modern weaponry.

Americans made America withdraw from Vietnam, not the North Vietnamese.
Americans made America withdraw from Vietnam, not the North Vietnamese.
That may be, but America was hardly going out on a high either.

So can we expect the same thing to happen in Iraq in a few years time?
2 years? You think you can create something from nothing in that short of a time? I think we are making progress. It just takes time.
2 years? You think you can create something from nothing in that short of a time? I think we are making progress. It just takes time.
But time is the enemey. The more time the more casualties, how long until it is the American citizens call for a withdrawl like that of Vietnam? And how can you set up a stable goverment when officials are being picked of by insurgents?

I feel we're going to get an off topic warning soon.
Last I heard they just had elections in January of this year . What are you talking about ?

At any rate according to the thread starter its time to put some Chinese food on the menu . let the Iraqis go back to killing each other while we prepare for the red hordes to come visit :) . Cripes I miss the cold war .... :dopey:
Any smart American knows that withdrawing from Iraq would be the worse thing to do. All of those who have died fighting to free Iraq would have done so in vain.
Last I heard they just had elections in January of this year . What are you talking about ?
Elections but what power? Perhaps there is alot, I don't know but as far as I can see there is still alot of Allied control and stories of problems with the newly born Iraqi army.

Any smart American knows that withdrawing from Iraq would be the worse thing to do. All of those who have died fighting to free Iraq would have done so in vain.
Lets hope there has been major progression form Vietnam then.
I see the Iraqis taking controll of the situation no later than the end of next year and US soldiers comming home gradually by the end of this year. they are going to be graduating two more huge classes of Iraqi police / guardsmen and the ones that are in the field now are doing very well. A bunch of US soldiers are already gearing up to come back now . You wont hear anything about it while the car bombs are banging . they dont want the goony birds to just stop and wait till we go to get back at it . just watch whats happening though ...did you notice that the US and Iraqis are FINALLY patrolling the border areas and removing insurgents from outlying areas ? Pay attention to whats going on instead of listening to " the sky is falling " nitwits .
What exactly can be made by China that cant be made elsewhere ? Are you kidding me ! Name one thing just one .
So what your saying is that we should close down the thousands of factories in china and move them to the US a few years without lcds and when the come back they will be TWICE THE PRICE!!!

I expect mass suicide.
nahhh we just start buying them from India ! they have billions too ! we already sent all our customer service jobs there ..just think it would be self perpetuating for them...they make stuff that breaks and we call to complain ! curry instead of dim sum !
If Iraq showed one thing, it's that a full scale Chinese - U.S. war would be a nightmare and something that I think is already not possible to win by either side, but if I had to bet on one side, then perhaps the Chinese - they are more likely to have the manpower, eventually and theoretically, to occupy the U.S. than vice versa.

If anything would go down, it would probably be a war over Taiwan, that would leave Taiwan in ruins and would end with one of the two parties conceding defeat over the island. For now I consider it more likely though that China is looking to scare Taiwan into coming back under Chinese influence, in a manner like Hong Kong did. They're making a good show already of supporting the political party that supports the Chinese Republic, and its also a good way to prevent the U.S. from meddling - if Taiwan democratically chooses to return to China, they have little grounds on which they can 'defend' Taiwan from Chinese influence.

In a sense, also, the U.S.'s recent aggressive stance scares China into becoming a military superpower. And it makes sense. Although I'm not necessarily looking forward to it, there is definitely room for another military superpower on this planet. Hopefully we've come past the point though where they consider it a realistic option to compete over world-domination.

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