the_undrtaker89I don't think the us could ally with china. Not when you got a retard president like bush in office. He's probably off somewhere declaring a counter-terrorist act against the makers of rubix cubes for making them to hard.
If the class is that big they must be struggling to train them well.they are going to be graduating two more huge classes of Iraqi police / guardsmen
And just as many are heading back to Iraq.A bunch of US soldiers are already gearing up to come back now .
So you have inside information?You wont hear anything about it while the car bombs are banging . they dont want the goony birds to just stop and wait till we go to get back at it . just watch whats happening though
So its taken 2 years to patrol the borders and now you propose that they will be out in 18 months?did you notice that the US and Iraqis are FINALLY patrolling the border areas and removing insurgents from outlying areas ? Pay attention to whats going on instead of listening to " the sky is falling " nitwits .
So a fairly educated economy that works mainly in services has to all of a sudden switch to electronic industry? Hmm....nahhh we just start buying them from India ! they have billions too ! we already sent all our customer service jobs there ..just think it would be self perpetuating for them...they make stuff that breaks and we call to complain ! curry instead of dim sum !
Aircraft carriers? It's how America has travaled for years, and yet again you underestimate China's cpabilities.Occupy the US?
I guess the Chinese are really good swimmers.
Replace China with America, or even 'The West', and I'm sure that is what the terrorists are thinking.China a target rich enviroment
Nope they are not .China is a ally with the US
Nope I actually read ALL the news ..not just the parts I like .So you have inside information?
What do you thinks been going on since they got there ? Hint ; they have been working to get things so they can leave...hint ..hintSo its taken 2 years to patrol the borders and now you propose that they will be out in 18 months?
sure maybe by all billion of them eating beans and farting on the same day ...not with their military .hahahahaa a war against china!? gd luck!! they aint called the sleeping dragon for nothin u know... they have the capatability to destroy the world 3 times over or somin stupid like that..
Viper ZeroI would refrain from calling others "retards" if you cannot use correct punctuation, capitalization, and proper sentence formation.
China is a ally with the US. We are certainly not at war with China and it would be in China's best interest to stay that way if it wants to succeed economically. China also does not want North Korea to go nuclear, it would give reason for Taiwan and Japan to militarize themselves and would cause the region to destabilize even further. The US included China in the seven-way talks with North Korea.
Beehahahahaa a war against china!? gd luck!! they aint called the sleeping dragon for nothin u know... they have the capatability to destroy the world 3 times over or somin stupid like that..
ExigeExcelAircraft carriers? It's how America has travaled for years, and yet again you underestimate China's cpabilities.
ExigeExcelThat may be, but America was hardly going out on a high either.
GiancarloDidn't we win every battle we were involved in during the Vietnam War?
Viper Zero
And the US has the power to destroy the world 20 times over.
Sleeping dragon? You got your countries mixed up, it was the US.
"We have awakened a sleeping dragon and filled him with a terrible resolve" - Isoruku Yamamoto, Commander of the Japanese Imperial Navy.
With what carrier and what aircraft? The Chinese have no carrier based aircraft of their own and their only option to purchase any would the the Russian made Su-27K Naval Flanker. How do you invade a country with the military might of the US with no way to actually get your forces over there, excel?
The Chinese have three carriers:
The Soviet Kiev, which is a theme park.
The Varyang, which was bought for scrap.
And a Nimtz class replica built for another theme park
What a display of naval power!
Read up on your military facts next time, excel.
Viper Zero
And the US has the power to destroy the world 20 times over.
Sleeping dragon? You got your countries mixed up, it was the US.
"We have awakened a sleeping dragon and filled him with a terrible resolve" - Isoruku Yamamoto, Commander of the Japanese Imperial Navy.
With what carrier and what aircraft? The Chinese have no carrier based aircraft of their own and their only option to purchase any would the the Russian made Su-27K Naval Flanker. How do you invade a country with the military might of the US with no way to actually get your forces over there, excel?
The Chinese have three carriers:
The Soviet Kiev, which is a theme park.
The Varyang, which was bought for scrap.
And a Nimtz class replica built for another theme park
What a display of naval power!
Read up on your military facts next time, excel.
GiancarloDidn't we win every battle we were involved in during the Vietnam War?
Your kidding right ?South Vietnam was a democracy to start off with.
ows in the racial card when he added, China will be demonized for its political system and its profound cultural differences - for the first time in modern history, a non-white, non-European-based society will be a global superpower. The west will need to learn to live with difference rather than seeking to denounce and subjugate it. The US will need to learn to contain its primordial desire to have an enemy, be it Native Americans, the Soviet Union, Bin Laden or China. Otherwise the 21st century will be grim indeed. However this really doesn't fly since it ignores Bushs initiatives toward India as well as his own international democratic reform program directed at many third word countries.
Viper ZeroI rather have the US be feared than liked.
We can blow up the world 20 times over because, well... we have a lot of nuclear warheads, numbnut. Over 2,000 to be exact.
a6m5Only thing that kept China in line was the huge Naval presence of the U.S. Navy. 👍 China has been investing heavily into subs and missiles that could take out the U.S. air craft carriers.
When you consider how spread thin the U.S. military is, Chinese invasion of Taiwan would mean big trouble for the U.S., I'm afraid.
Green GlovesSaying you hate China is perhaps a bit strong. Why can't we learn to love our brothers and sisters. We are all from the same planet. I can see if you dislike the way China acts as a country on some international issues. Let's have world peace people!
Usually, I would agree with you. I don't want war, and this is how much I hate war. If U.S. or Japan draft me to go to Iraq or Afghanistan, I'd just tell them to put me in prison. I don't care how long.Green GlovesSaying you hate China is perhaps a bit strong. Why can't we learn to love our brothers and sisters. We are all from the same planet. I can see if you dislike the way China acts as a country on some international issues. Let's have world peace people!
Yes. I think Japan invaded China in the 1930's. 👎Viper ZeroWasn't Japan already in a war with China during that time?