Were is the snow and rain tracks???

Edit : realised I was potentially taking thread off topic and so moved my comment to appropriate thread. :gtpflag:
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I'm not talking about the next game. No one is.
I am. Isn't that obvious now?

Which is also the direct title of the current game. You probably should have made that a bit more clearer.
I cleared that up in my response to you. Getting hung up on that mistake isn't going to move a discussion forward.

Not only that, but no one knows if "Sport" is part of the next game, because like you said, it isn't out yet, so no one would have made that connection.
It's been fairly clear that Sport is their brand for their online environment. You can say I'm guessing but I would say you're being naive.

Yes, that's usually what new games do, have two different online environments. No new iterations from a game allow you to connect to players from the past game. You've basically confirmed what @ARTAsean was saying.
And in the past, that paradigm has been lethal to a game's player base. Most major developers are segueing into online as a service, supporting a constant gaming economy where players can constantly put money into it. This is the new norm and dividing a player base is counter productive to that. Previously, console limitations were the huge impediment of carrying over a player base but that is becoming less and less of a barrier as we move forward.

Now we're off topic but that's what happens when people pedantically vivisect a post into fragments. Like I said in the first place, I wonder if they'll try to keep the online community together via cross play and how much of that would be possible due to code deviation (ie weather). Again, it was a speculative question, I don't pretend to know the answer to these questions and your attempts to resolve them appear to lack the context of where the game industry is trying to go with games as a service.
@stelios_paxoi First of all thank you for making me laugh :lol: your english level is the same as Alexis Tsipras :lol: .That being said
polyphony digital has given us two years now a naked game. without many cars without loyalists. without serious career.
As i say to everyone with this argument .. you got exactly what was advertised if you were expecting something else thats your fault .

What are the rain? tracks
Rain tracks are wet tracks due to rain falling.

were is the snow?
Normally is in the sky but its summertime now so kinda hard to find.

snow and rain tires,
we have those already.

what did they say?
Ehh what:confused: tires can't talk.

so difficult it is to make a track with rain and another with snow;
Yes its very difficult to just make a track without rain so its even harder with the rain in but because you have no idea you assume its easy as pressing a faw buttons classic greek logic at its finest...

and we are kidding with some updates of the bull so long!
I don't know nor do i care what are you doing but i had a lot of fun so speak for yourself.

it is supposedly a serious Japanese company that do not do that! yes supposed !!!
Polyphony is a serious company you simply have no idea of what are you talking about.
I am. Isn't that obvious now?
Yes, now it is after elaborating, but what you're saying still doesn't make much sense because you keep talking about backwards compatibility as if it changes games.

I cleared that up in my response to you. Getting hung up on that mistake isn't going to move a discussion forward.
Sure looks like the discussion is moving just fine to me. Maybe you should be the one not getting hung up when people are simply explaining how they got mixed up by vague responses.

It's been fairly clear that Sport is their brand for their online environment. You can say I'm guessing but I would say you're being naive.
It's been fairly clear that this game is called something and there's a game that's not out that we have no idea about. The fact is, is that you literally are guessing. It could or it couldn't be called that, the straight facts is that we don't know. Sport is also literally the name of the game, so what if the next game follows a completely different path then the BoP racing that this game has done? Or maybe it's just that time machine you have. The naive thing here is to make such an assumption.

Things change. Much like licenses test in the past games are now basically what is setup as the campaign mode of this game at launch.

And in the past, that paradigm has been lethal to a game's player base. Most major developers are segueing into online as a service, supporting a constant gaming economy where players can constantly put money into it
Which has very little to do with how you're mixing up Cross-platform compatibility and backwards compatibility. Even if GTS is available on next generation as a backwards compatible game, absolutely nothing is going to change about it that wasn't already available on GTS for the PS4. You'd be playing it exactly like you would, regardless of console owned.

If they make a new game, it is not going to share a same world with GTS, it'll be completely isolated from each other, and that's how it has always been, and that's how it's going to be for any game.

Games as a service is a thing, I know that, but the way you're going on about things just makes it seem like this is another thing you're misunderstanding.

This is the new norm and dividing a player base is counter productive to that. Previously, console limitations were the huge impediment of carrying over a player base but that is becoming less and less of a barrier as we move forward.
This doesn't make sense to me. What is the new norm, and what is the old norm? The only way to not split playerbase is if they never make a new game again, ever, and continue updating GTS until the end of consoles. Otherwise, if they make a new game, then it'll split it. Just like any game before, and any game in the future.

Cross-compatibility and backwards compatibility is not a way to connect two completely different games, which you keep mixing up when you're talking about GTS to GT7. It's a way to connect one single game. Like GTS on PS5 to GTS on PS4, or GTS on Xbox(just used purely as an example to show what cross-platform actually means) to GTS on PS4. That's where I feel you keep mixing up things.

Like I said in the first place, I wonder if they'll try to keep the online community together via cross play and how much of that would be possible due to code deviation (ie weather).
No, because that's not how it works. Unlikely, but the only that that might happens is that they'll keep PS5 GTS players, and PS4 GTS players playing together. It is absolutely not going to be tying in with GT7 in any way or form.

Not only that, but there will not be core gameplay mechanics altered just because of the PS5 being more powerful. You'll get the exact same game that the PS4 is running. It'll look better, run smoother, and most likely load faster, but the core game is going to be exactly the same.

Again, it was a speculative question, I don't pretend to know the answer to these questions and your attempts to resolve them appear to lack the context of where the game industry is trying to go with games as a service
It's not me lacking context, it's you not understanding the terms you're using. You're misunderstanding how Games as a Service works, and what Cross-platform compatibility as well as backwards compatibility means. Once you grasp those concepts, you'll see what you're saying doesn't make much sense.
In all seriousness, I am curious what feature(s) pre-empted dynamic weather/time on PS4. After all, PD were able to achieve dynamic weather/time on PS3. Any guesses?
In all seriousness, I am curious what feature(s) pre-empted dynamic weather/time on PS4. After all, PD were able to achieve dynamic weather/time on PS3. Any guesses?
They had it in game, they didn't so much get it in an entirely functioning state. With their push to be the forefront of graphics for every generation, it's likely hindering themselves again, and with their current goal of QC and trying to keep the game running in tip-top shape they likely opted to remove that feature.

All signs point in that direction, in my opinion. They have one track with weather effects, with only one single car, and it's a small track at that. I'm wondering if anymore than that would interrupt performance on the game.
It's not me lacking context, it's you not understanding the terms you're using. You're misunderstanding how Games as a Service works, and what Cross-platform compatibility as well as backwards compatibility means. Once you grasp those concepts, you'll see what you're saying doesn't make much sense.

Flippantly assuming they're going to split their user base like a retail game from 2010, demonstrates your complete lack of context.

Personally, I love the relentlessly nice sunny weather in GTS.

Haha... they should rename it California Turismo.
Flippantly assuming they're going to split their user base like a retail game from 2010, demonstrates your complete lack of context.
When did I say they were going to?

Either way, when the next game gets released it will split the player base. That's how it happens with any game that comes out with a new iteration. It doesn't matter if it's a Game as a service, a backwards compatible game, or a cross-platform compatible game. That right there is common sense, because it's what has happened and what is still happening to this day.

But please, continue to ignore all the points and questions about your misinformed statements. It's funny that you're going on about lack of context when you can't grasp the context of the actual terms you're using.
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Here's something interesting. Equip the Snow Tyres in Home > Car Settings > Dirt Config Page and change the tyres from Dirt to Snow. I did this on the Mustang Gr.B. This is what the snow tyres look like below.

Here's something interesting. Equip the Snow Tyres in Home > Car Settings > Dirt Config Page and change the tyres from Dirt to Snow. I did this on the Mustang Gr.B. This is what the snow tyres look like below.


You’ve been able to do this for a while, I don’t remember when it was first discovered but there was an update that changed the various tire textures and they were available even before then. Snow tires were in the tuning menu since the closed beta.

There could still be snow tracks in the pipeline (or maybe snow versions of the existing dirt tracks), but the snow tires thus far haven’t been an indicator of anything coming soon.
Here's something interesting. Equip the Snow Tyres in Home > Car Settings > Dirt Config Page and change the tyres from Dirt to Snow. I did this on the Mustang Gr.B. This is what the snow tyres look like below.


This made me wonder, maybe rain and snow tires have always been in the game simply for Scapes.
Funny how PD has some resources reserved in the game which still seems to remain unused until now.
It’s not like they’re particularly tidy or economical with their coding, think of all the hidden stuff in GT5.


I wonder how much smaller the install would have been without it?
I know and it basically sounds like scrimping on their part.

In the older games like GT4, those hidden stuff were actually accessible but they were cut in GT5 though they were accessible through modding.

Obviously, the install file would be much smaller without them.