What are you listening to? (V)Music 

  • Thread starter Sage
Low-Ri-Duh Rides a little lower.

Take a little trip, take a little trip, take a little trip with meeee!

Pink floyd - Dark side of the moon (Yes i have the time to just relax and listen to the whole thing. I guess there's someone in my head, but it's not me)

Then for today:

Pink floyd - The wall
Metallica - The Black Album
Metallica - And just for all
Led Zeppelin (If i can get it sorted out)
Hamish and Andy (If you know who they are. It helps me do homework)
Iron Butterfly - In A Gadda Da Vida (Simply because it's part of one of my favourite Simpsons scenes ever. "And now 'In The Garden Of Eden' by I-ron Butterfly...")

The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again. :bowdown: