What are you listening to? (V)Music 

  • Thread starter Sage
Bodyjar - One in a Million

Currently revisiting some of the music I listened to when I was a teenager. Going through my old posts in the previous "What Are You Listening To?" threads has been a trip.
Kenny Wayne Shepherd - While We Cry

A friend played this in 1997 at a recital for the place he was getting guitar lessons. Everyone thought it was Pearl Jam's Yellow Ledbetter until he kept playing. Having heard him play it countless times, I couldn't help but smile and laugh at their confused looks. :lol:
Southern rock wasn't my thing growing up so I've got Little Feat's second, third and fourth albums lined up for my next reading session.


[EDIT] Halfway through Sailin' Shoes I caved in and got their first album too. Will also try and get hold of the super deluxe version of Waiting For Columbus.
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I need to find some other classical jazz bands to listen to, tired of listening to the same rock, techno, country and folk music. Gotta find more varieties.
Went to see my fave bad for the 3rd time in 12 months. Loved them for the last 20+ years.

Some of you in the UK might remember The Futureheads from the mid 00s and their cover of ‘Hounds of Love. IMG_5483.jpeg