What are you listening to? (V)Music 

  • Thread starter Sage
I wish I knew anyone else with the same music tastes when I was eighteen. I was into The Smiths and Cocteau Twins while everybody else I knew was into U2 and Dire Straits.

Thanks for the recommendation. I don't think this show was ever broadcast this side of the pond. Co-host Jools Holland had a long running show on BBC2 but minus the all-star house band.

Fortunately crosscurrentjazz on YouTube has preserved a number of episodes for future generations (or until Broadway Video's lawyers catch up to them). I'll be getting onto these immediately.
:lol: I was in the middle keeping the peace with my friends. Either side didn't understand why the other listened to each other's noise. Run DMC and Doug E Fresh & Slick Rick's The Show, funnily enough, aided my friends in crossing over to the others preferred music.

My Dad was a party DJ. Mainly spinning rhythm & blues, soul, disco and country(!), but one of my uncles got many of us young family members into jazz.
My brother's car was the only one in the projects blasting Children of Sanchez! :lol:
Sorry for going mainstream here.

While everyone has been going crazy for her, and while I do recognize she has some vocal talents and gift, I have been quite neutral about Lady Gaga for all this time, but her latest albums drop has some good stuff that I honestly cannot ignore.

Most particularly for me this bonus track at the end takes the cake and is, to me, by far the best, one of her best work:

So simple yet so effective, easily turned to 11:
The Ides of March - Vehicle
Happy March 15. This song is too good to play only once a year. Even so, I couldn't listen to anything for four hours straight unless I had the short term memory of a goldfish, but the 41'39" of the Ides' debut album should be a breeze if it's all this funky.
Go! Ice! Skaters!
Aww, man. Jesse Colin Young passed. Running out of those that did Woodstock.

The Youngbloods - Get Together

The Youngbloods - Darkness, Darkness

I know a bunch have covered that second one but a couple versions I enjoy are those by Screaming Trees and Mott The Hoople, the latter being my preference out of the lot.

Screaming Trees - Darkness, Darkness

Mott The Hoople - Darkness, Darkness
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Enjoying this semi pre-Brix album (she sings on two of the tracks) a lot more than I expected to. It's pretty easy on the ear (for a given value of "easy on the ear").

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This band, man...

Edit: Of course I just open YouTube and what’s right smack in the middle of my feed…
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I've never heard anything by Canada's greatest singer-songwriter (if Joni Mitchell, Neil Young and Leonard Cohen weren't a thing) Gordon Lightfoot. Time to remedy that. Sounds a bit basic so far but it's pleasant enough.


[EDIT] Halfway through the first of the albums and I take it back. I like this track.

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I've never heard anything by Canada's greatest singer-songwriter (if Joni Mirchell, Neil Young and Leonard Cohen weren't a thing) Gordon Lightfoot. Time to remedy that. Sounds a bit basic so far but it's pleasant enough.

View attachment 1437357

[EDIT] Halfway through the first of the albums and I take it back. I like this track.

No The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald? :indiff:
O, Canada...

Triumph - Lay It On The Line (Just A Game, 1979)

Rush - Natural Science (Permanent Waves, 1980)

April Wine - Sign Of The Gypsy Queen (The Nature Of The Beast, 1981)

Bird Rocking Out GIF

Edit: Sittin' here hitting play over and over on that first one. God damn, Rik Emmett is an absolute virtuoso. To the guitar what Neil Peart is to drums.
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