What are you watching?

  • Thread starter Blackbird.
Raw deal has just finished, and im now watching an interview with Kaz on my prologue dvd. :)
American dad....not really that funny.

American Dad is crap. Seth MacFarlane should be ashamed of himself.

I'm watching Old School. I finally got it back after a buddy borrowed it for a few months.

God, I forgot how funny it is.
American Dad is crap. Seth MacFarlane should be ashamed of himself.

I'm watching Old School. I finally got it back after a buddy borrowed it for a few months.

God, I forgot how funny it is.

Wow, I can see how varied opinions can be...

I'm not a big fan of American Dad either, but it's hardly crap... If you like Family Guy, the humor is very similar... I think most people who despise it, do so because the political picture it paints...

"Old School" ,on the other hand, is a film you could not pay me to see again... I did not find much humor at all in said film, and I'm a Will Farrel fan...

Build or Bust on Speed channel... Not too bad...


Haven't seen you around, how've you been man?

And for the record, I love Family Guy.

I've been good, just really busy...

Hey man, long time no see.

Quite... I'll be around more, now that I have a bit more time... (No School till Fall Quarter)
