What are you watching?

  • Thread starter Blackbird.
Payback. All those guys Mel Gibson killed who wouldn't give him his $70,000 must have been Jews.

Now, Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samuri.
After finishing two gruelling uni assessments, I was faced with the prospect of two very boring weeks on my own ... so I threw Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly into my DVD player and have been happy since. Not going to make it through all 12.5 seasons of stuff before Monday though.

Damn, I'm a Joss-aholic.
Nigella Lawson. I think I'm in love.

God, I love her muffins.

Finished watching Spooks series 2, what a cliffhanger to end the series on. Good job I've got already got series 3 to watch on DVD. I haven't seen spooks before the DVD's apart from the first and last episodes of the first series so it's all new to me.

I've just watched "Dont say a word" as well.
Spooks series 3, there's a small connection between my last few posts, anyone see it :dopey:.
Pity I didn't see that coming, I wouldn't have put a bet on France winning:lol:.
I'm sitting here watching the highlights and thinking they must have edited out France's goals!
I'm watching Fifth gear and I'm honestly thinking about turning it off. They have absolutely ruined this show with thier new format, it used to be informative, not as enjoyable as TopGear but more informative, now it's less informative than topGear and less enjoyable than it used to be.
"He's licking me, and drooling and humming that 'I like you sound' even though I HATE it!"


Randy holding a cat; My Name Is Earl

HD Net documentary Hiroshima Reborn: Sarugaku-cho Recreated From Memory. Absolutely fantastic.

It's about the special community of Hiroshima that received the full brunt of the atomic bomb dropped on August 6th, 1945. It was a merchant shop community, with a lot of families who lived in their shops. It was completely wiped out with no survivors. Since it was such a special place to live, and since it was completely destroyed forever, survivors decided to recreate it mostly from memory and from the few films and photographs that existed.

If you ever get the chance to view it, don't miss it. Especially if you view it in HD.
I'll be watching Hoodwinked in the next half hour, I don't know what to expect from this, I haven't heared much about it. But that doesn't matter we're taking her neice to see it so there's our excuse if it's too kid-ish.