What Are You Working On/Doing Right Now? (General)

  • Thread starter superberkut
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  • Learning about Dividend Distribution in Accounting
  • Listening to Sleigh Bells
  • Feeling Great!
I've just finished the second chapter of my novel. Established the main characters and the early main plot device although I've a lot more research to do before the next chapters and some smaller sub plots to put into action.

No chance of getting a publisher in, I doubt, but having my own publishing company is rather useful, even if it is for the motor industry and not Sci-Fi work. I've got the software to make it into e-book, maybe I'll just distribute it for free.
Tuning my Aventador to run the 1/4 sub 8.915
I now hold the 'official' fastest time over the 1/4 mile with the Lamborghini Aventador :) 8.911
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Shaving... Facial hair, obviously. I point this out because it's something I don't need to do very often. The last time before today that I shaved was mid February, before that was about November last year. :lol: But now I'm going to get to bed, sadly I'm too tired to stay up and watch an episode of MLP or play RBR or GTL (I usually do one of those every day).
Working on my work, and stuff and things. Mostly the Philosophy of Robotics which is a field I have the pleasure of being very knowledgeable in.
Brushing my teeth, I have to get fillings for cavities, just learned that involves a freezing needle. Dammit all.
Working on my work, and stuff and things. Mostly the Philosophy of Robotics which is a field I have the pleasure of being very knowledgeable in.

Have you seen 'Darwins' Devices' by John Long? It was published a couple of weeks ago and looks like a good read- on the evolution of (animal like I think) robotic locomotion & stuff.. Looks like a good read but too many exams to get started on it atm :grumpy:
Just came back from grocery shopping, baking some seafood, just turned the computer on, checking out whats new on GTPlanet, Facebook, local news, email.... (and so on)
Working on my truck :D
Waxing, washing, whatnot..


I'm not a Chevy guy - but I like that truck. Funmobile.

Right now I'm procrastinating leaving on a whole bunch of errands . . . it's the paperwork I have to do before I leave that's bugging me.

Paperwork . . . urgh.
Planning for a Saltaire History test that I was meant to start last week but got out of because I hadn't planned at all...
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Finished designing a cockpit I may be building in the upcoming few months. Took multiple tries before I got a good balance between looks and functionality :)

Good looking cockpit. Hope to hear more about your progress.

What am I doing right now? Multi-tasking as ususal. Late-night laundry, hanging out at the HW thread, having a long cold Carlsberg, listening to music, text-chatting with a buddy.. . . .
What am I working on? My NHL and Madden NFL franchises. Why am I doing this? Because it's distracting me from thinking about what's happening in my life right now. I refuse to feel like I did last year, I don't ever want to feel that way ever again. Ever.
Hope you finally got to it.
I'm stuck in a Tim Hortons parking lot. Rest of the family had to troop into the shop to personally pick their snack for the drive to the major waterpark just out of town.
Trying to keep up with with Wimbledon and other network volleys in between all this.
Tim Hortons eh? Always have to stop there. I usually get a lemon iced tea there. I'm looking at some tgngs from my past. It's almost comical how I used to cry about not having the newest video game or stuff. When I look back, I realize that I got to spend a lot of time with family then, and my parents would get me a treat when we went anywhere. I realize how greedy I used to be. It's way to easy to compare to others.
Winning on NHL 09, because Marian Gaborik is a monster!

I had NHL 2001. Once I figured out how to do a one timer, it was impossible to lose. Goes in every time.
OK, I'm back for a quick post; wifey insisted I get Premium parking (which she paid for, nice!) and after driving another mile through the regular lot, parked almost right at the ticket counter. Season's passes were bought - photos taken, laminated ID cards almost instantly in our hands and yikes! Yeah, crowds, rides, cotton candy, mayhem right away in our faces. Everybody's off on their second ride, the Psyclone, having just freaked me out watching them on the Behemoth.
I'm hiding out now under the arms of a friendly tree who is shading me.
Went on a slight soldering fenzy:

Made a front audio/headphone jack extension on the PC

Then a mini contact tester from a Pc case LED and a cellphone battery (the LED lights up when the green and white wires are in contact. Handy for checking broken cables etc.).

And replaced bulky 3.5mm connectors on my headphones with nice metal ones.