Current school project is a small pond for my upcoming plants and animals unit in science class.
It’s a basic bucket with a layer of soil, sand and then gravel. There are a few aquatic plants I’ve put in and about 6 guppies to keep the mosquitoes at bay.
An aerator stone hooked up to a solar panel helps keep the water moving during daylight hours.
The office complained it looks ugly but I’ve spent 0 cash on this so I’m happy with the set up. It’ll take a while for the plants to grow and hopefully the local frogs might spawn there too.
I’ll introduce some shrimps and more aquatic plants throughout the next week. The water is clear now, the pic above was when I first set it up so the water was a bit murky from the gravel dust.
I’m hoping to set up something similar at home so I can have an option on plants and livestock to mix and match as the topic necessitates.
I have some filter media I will chick in next week to get the beneficial bacteria thriving and keep the project healthy.
Have had an issue with local doggos drinking off some of the water but I don’t mind. I though I had a leak at first.
If this project is a success, I’ll go a step bigger next year and increase the pond size and maybe hook it to the mains for pump filtration.