What are your hopes/expectations for FH4?

  • Thread starter Northstar
I would like to see a New Game+ in FH4, once you have completed all the festival routes and championships, you are able to reset them so that they aren’t greyed out anymore like in FH3 but get a colour again to keep track of which ones to do.
When it comes to the expansion packs, I hope one is based in the 1960’s. Sure we might not get London as a location in the base game. However a good way to add a fun part of London is by using it in a 1960’s expansion.

Along with using the 1960’s. I wouldn’t mind seeing some cultural and TV easter eggs in FH4. Sure a good portion of the people who will play FH4 will not have seen The Young One’s & Spitting Image. But since FH4 is based in the UK, I think adding some easter eggs in-game would be a fun way to add some humour to FH4.

Last but not least, my hope for music is we get a bit of british music from the 1970’s through to the mid 1990’s. Two songs I want to hear in FH4 are Firestarter and House of a Fun. While for the generation who doesn’t like music suggested by me, they could be treated to Absurd by Fluke.
I would like to see a New Game+ in FH4, once you have completed all the festival routes and championships, you are able to reset them so that they aren’t greyed out anymore like in FH3 but get a colour again to keep track of which ones to do.

There is a confirmed Track Editor in Forza Horizon 4.

If you look at the Open-World Freedom part of the description, I think you'll be a happy camper like me.
Lots of hope, expectations would be like how every new Forza has been. Better but not anything mind blowing. It will still be a great game though. There will be more complaints as people play it thinking how come this or that was not fixed or added because their time/money was spent doing other dumb things.
I just hope they lets us change tod and weather in freeroom at some point even if its not there at launch. I don't want to wait 1h to see the sun or rain. I take alot of photo's, but i need to wait hours to get the photo i want :(.
Some insight on the Route Creator posted on the official forums:

We'll share more on the Route Creator later, but to clarify: while you can only start a custom route at any of the existing routes' start locations (and there are loads of them), after that your route is basically wherever you can drive from that point-even far away from the start point, placing checkpoints along the way, adjusting the width of each as you place them. It can be a circuit or a point to point, and is not limited to using the existing road network. In truth, it gives you so much freedom that it's presenting a lot of navigation challenges for Drivatars, and a lot of resulting bugs for Playground to fix as they are finishing the game.

I'm very curious about the businesses you can own. I hope the income (mentioned in the last live stream) is activity-based and not just for simply being the owner. For example, I want to be the driver in a taxi service/rental fleet/car tv show/stunt drive, etc. and get paid for completing actual "missions" tied to those businesses.
I'm very curious about the businesses you can own. I hope the income (mentioned in the last live stream) is activity-based and not just for simply being the owner. For example, I want to be the driver in a taxi service/rental fleet/car tv show/stunt drive, etc. and get paid for completing actual "missions" tied to those businesses.

I’m hoping for more legit versions of GTA style missions.