What browser do you use?

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz

Which internet browser do you use?

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Firefox / Mozilla

    Votes: 68 40.7%
  • Safari

    Votes: 13 7.8%
  • Opera

    Votes: 14 8.4%
  • Edge

    Votes: 8 4.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 8.4%
  • Chrome

    Votes: 83 49.7%

  • Total voters
I've just recently moved to using Brave browser. A chrome variant. It comes with all the adblock stuff built in and has so far proven to be a fair dinkum faster than firefox, edge and IE.
Initially, when I started using a computer for studies and social activities my preference was Firefox. With time, I moved to Google Chrome for my daily activities, but this time I am thinking to change my operating system from Windows to Macbook Pro. Because I am doing work from home and using an online meeting software (zoom) to virtually connect myself with my team and this slowdown my laptop a lot. If anyone knows a good solution other than changing the operating system share with me. Thanks.
Not much has changed for me browser-wise. I still mostly use Vivaldi as my main browser and Chrome as my secondary browser. One thing about being a blogger is that I've learned of certain other browsers that visit any of my blogs at any given time. This even includes variations of common browsers. So therefore, I sometimes get an idea of what browsers I may want to try out in the future. Having said that, I recently tried out a newer build of Opera. Now Opera is far from being the fully customizable browser I used to use a lot. However, it still remains fairly solid.

Vivaldi and Chrome still make up my main rotation of browsers, though I also tend to use Waterfox, Chromium Edge (Beta), and sometimes Opera.
I am becoming disappointed with Vivaldi of late. The browser is refusing to fully access or load sites of late. So I may be using Chrome a bit more often unless I work out something with Vivaldi. I even have alternative ones like Edge, Waterfox, and even Opera. It may sound funny, but I may find myself using the newer Edge more if I become convinced it can work well. It has been a while since I relied on a Microsoft browser for my browsing needs. I still consider Internet Explorer as my default browser even though I use others. It is funny how many times I have rejected using Chrome after so many past poor experiences. Now, it's been fairly reliable and well-used by me.

Also, I may also think about giving Firefox another chance. Firefox started working great until it started going very slow and that the program would crash as it was trying to close. I may return to Firefox if I see that Waterfox becomes slow and not as useful a Firefox alternative.
I've been using Brave for my PCs and mobile. Been a pretty good browser. Its based off Chrome. Comes with all the ad blocker, pop up blocker and all that jazz built in. Works good and isn't a resource hog on its own (can't say the same for some websites though.)
If you're all struggling to decide, maybe take a look at Brave.
Rockin' Firefox as my main browser since its sync function works great across my Mac, iPhone, and portable Windows version I've got on an external drive for use at work. Most other browsers just don't cut it in this regard... either there's no way of having a portable Windows installation (Safari, Edge), there's no iOS version (Vivaldi and other Chrome forks), the iOS version doesn't support syncing with desktop accounts (Opera), it's Google Chrome, and/or the portable version sucks and is prone to corruption (looking at you again, Opera).

Since Firefox doesn't have a convenient way of handling multiple profiles though, I use Vivaldi as a secondary browser for NSFW activities where having portable access at work obviously isn't a concern.
I gave up on Brave a long time ago. I was fascinated by its performance, and I even got a bit curious on the crypocurrency aspect. Ultimately, though, I had one bad experience too many and removed Brave from my PC. So I was done with Brave long ago.

It still seems funny all the times I quit on Google Chrome until I finally thought this browser was more than decent for my basic online needs. You realize I initially wanted to return to Chrome for online games and online game development? Now a lot of the online games have gone defunct (especially Flash-based games). A lot of online games these days are of the HTML5 variety. Anyhow, I am a person of second chances and try to be hopeful for positive outcomes. So I am actually proud to use Chrome as one of my main browsers. If continually disappointed with Vivaldi, Chrome may end up being my main browser. Then, I'd have to select a second and third browser.

My advice to anyone reading this- have a main browser. Then, try to find one or more browsers to serve as alternatives. Have that (as I like to use) baseball pitching rotation of browsers.
I gave up on Brave a long time ago. I was fascinated by its performance, and I even got a bit curious on the crypocurrency aspect. Ultimately, though, I had one bad experience too many and removed Brave from my PC. So I was done with Brave long ago.

It still seems funny all the times I quit on Google Chrome until I finally thought this browser was more than decent for my basic online needs. You realize I initially wanted to return to Chrome for online games and online game development? Now a lot of the online games have gone defunct (especially Flash-based games). A lot of online games these days are of the HTML5 variety. Anyhow, I am a person of second chances and try to be hopeful for positive outcomes. So I am actually proud to use Chrome as one of my main browsers. If continually disappointed with Vivaldi, Chrome may end up being my main browser. Then, I'd have to select a second and third browser.

My advice to anyone reading this- have a main browser. Then, try to find one or more browsers to serve as alternatives. Have that (as I like to use) baseball pitching rotation of browsers.

Have you tried Lynx yet?
No, and I won't be using Lynx anytime soon. I'd rather use an Atari Lynx than that Lynx browser.

Because of screen tearing issues, I disabled the hardware acceleration for Chrome/Chromium based browsers. Waterfox seems to work well as I tried to test using YouTube and SketchFab. For those of you who don't know what SketchFab is, it is a 3D service that offers stylish views of 3D models you can view in many different ways. So if I wanted to use YouTube and SketchFab online, I may go with Waterfox. Otherwise, I am a bit curious about some other browsers once I learn more about them.
I guess my main rotation nowadays is Opera as a primary, Google Chrome as a secondary, and then Waterfox and [Chromium] Microsoft Edge as alternatives. So to use baseball speak, I have Opera and Chrome as starting pitchers, then Waterfox and Edge as my bullpen or relief pitchers. i will kind of stay away from Vivaldi for now and just utilize Opera.
My main browser rotation these days is Vivaldi, Opera, and Chrome. Since I have recently become a Moderator for one Twitch channel (first time ever being a Mod on Twitch), I have to get away from using the (no pun intended) twitchy Twitch app on Android TV and use a desktop browser for my Moderator work. So the browser that works most efficiently for me is Chrome. And therefore, I use Chrome for desktop browsing of Twitch.

The only other browser I somewhat use besides these three is the Beta version of Microsoft Edge. I sometimes use Internet Explorer but only for developing websites. I still need to update and add content to my own homepage. Development has been slow because I've been slow at properly developing content for it. Waterfox is still a part of my browser lineup. However, part of me wants to give Firefox another chance after I decided to do away with Firefox some time ago.
I still have the browser rotation of Vivaldi, Opera, and Chrome. One thing I've noticed about Opera is that if you use its Dark theme, it carries into a number of different sites. Like I noticed my Twitter and my YouTube carry dark themes along with my browser using those dark themes. When I initially typed up this post for this thread, I was watching a YouTube video that carried the dark theme to it. I found it very interesting. Even if just to use the dark theme for when I am browsing as the night owl I can be, I find it interesting for use with the Opera browser.

I still have most of my other browsers for different purposes. So not much has changed with my last post in this thread.
Chrome when on my laptop, and then Safari on my iPhone. Both seem to work fine for me, at least for the overwhelming majority of the time.
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Recently, I've stopped using Opera. So now my main rotation of browsers is Vivaldi followed by Chrome. Opera of late would sometimes lock up or even crash trying to load some websites. I ended up taking off Opera from my taskbar. An off-topic deal here is that I learned you can change the color theme of Google Chrome. So I went from the normal periwinkle and white to gray and black. I then went with the Dark Blue theme later. This is all in my continued appreciation of using Dark Themes.

After a long time of using the Beta version, part of me wants to start using Microsoft Chromium Edge. I have both the beta and proper Chromium Edge browsers. One reason why I don't use Edge is because it utilizes Bing, and I haven't been real cool using Bing. I can't use Google unless I access it from a tab or open a link to Google. Anyhow... I may consider using Edge in the future.
Is it just me or has Chrome been running poorly lately? I've noticed a slowdown in playback on youtube videos (like really poor framerate) and 3D mode on google maps doesn't function. Switching to Firefox, both of these issues go away.
I have officially uninstalled Opera yesterday and decided to give Waterfox a bit more attention. Waterfos, though, still runs fairly slow. I went with Waterfox to take the place of Firefox. I would have a number of issues running Firefox, and so the more modern Firefox was ultimately retired by me. I now may try to go back to Firefox and see if it has improved any since I uninstalled it some time ago.

Vivaldi and Chrome are still my main browsers. My "bullpen" of secondary browsers are Waterfox and Microsoft Chromium Edge. I still haven't given Edge more attention except for its Beta form.
There's nothing new on the browser front for me. I'm still using Vivaldi as my main browser along with Chrome. Still in my browser rotation are Chromium Edge and Waterfox. Internet Explorer remains a last resort browser, and also I use aging IE for sampling websites I try to create.

After retiring it a few years ago, I still think about giving the newer Firefox another chance. Still haven't pulled the trigger on downloading it again.
After a few years uninstalling it, I decided to give Firefox another chance. I moved to Waterfox after being disappointed with Firefox after 10-15+ years of using Firefox. Now I may retire Waterfox if I feel pleased with Firefox.

My browser rotation could still be Vivaldi, Firefox, and Chrome. I also installed Opera GX to see what that is about. As I'm told, Opera GX is primarily a gaming browser. I am not any kind of hardcore gamer, but I am interested to see how that works.
Lately, my Chrome has a habit of loading the same YouTube video twice. So in other words, if I viewed one video, when I press Back, it will go back to that same video I tried to exit out of. I'd have to press Back again to get back to where I was previously before I loaded the video. I later realized it was something to do with uBlock Origin that I use. So basically, it may mean that as I use Chrome, I may have to get used to seeing the same forsaken Liberty Mutual commercials before loading up a video by disabling uBlock Origin for Chrome. Other than this, my best Twitch experience on desktop is with Chrome and with hardware acceleration enabled. It's the only browser that doesn't tear into my screen with hardware acceleration enabled.

The browser rotation for me remains Vivaldi, Chrome, and Firefox. However, I started trying to make Edge (not Edge BETA) work as an extra browser to use.
Now I have been using Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge for 4 years now, they're okay, I am sad that flash died.
Lately, my Chrome has a habit of loading the same YouTube video twice. So in other words, if I viewed one video, when I press Back, it will go back to that same video I tried to exit out of. I'd have to press Back again to get back to where I was previously before I loaded the video. I later realized it was something to do with uBlock Origin that I use. So basically, it may mean that as I use Chrome, I may have to get used to seeing the same forsaken Liberty Mutual commercials before loading up a video by disabling uBlock Origin for Chrome. Other than this, my best Twitch experience on desktop is with Chrome and with hardware acceleration enabled. It's the only browser that doesn't tear into my screen with hardware acceleration enabled.

The browser rotation for me remains Vivaldi, Chrome, and Firefox. However, I started trying to make Edge (not Edge BETA) work as an extra browser to use.
That's really strange, that happened to me quite a bit back in 2015 and 2016. Not sure why Chrome was designed to do that.
I have been using Vivaldi more than Google Chrome lately. I use Chrome on my Chromebook. Vivaldi runs a little slower than Desktop Chrome, but Chrome on a Chromebook runs fairly fast. I haven't considered running another browser on my Chromebook. Though, when I used my Xiaomi MI Box S, I had the Puffin Browser installed. The rest of my "starting rotation" of browsers remains Vivaldi as my top browser followed by Chrome. My "relief pitcher" browser rotation includes Internet Explorer, Edge, and Firefox. I still have Opera, but seldom use it.
I am still using the Vivaldi browser; however, I just realized something. Vivaldi allows you to add or delete various searches. I wondered why my browser keeps visiting Flickr for a search. It was maybe because I set a nickname for Flickr, and the browser searched on Flickr when I looked up "FL Studio." So I immediately deleted all of the nicknames so I could use the search properly.

Nothing's changed among the other browsers I used.
I used Opera GX on my PC for a while, but now I've switched back to Chrome as I still think it's better. I'll probably try out Brave as well. On my phone (Apple iPhone SE) I used the built-in Safari browser (which I quite liked) until I decided to get Chrome on it. I'm thinking of switching to Android phone soon so I can't use Safari but as I said, Chrome is better.

However I do like some Opera GX features like the different themes, but Chrome does have user-generated themes on the Web Store. So in conclusion, I think Chrome is faster & more practical, but Opera GX has more cool features.