What car is best for Suzuka Experience Menu 42?

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United States
Hi, so I did my other two Daytona international speedway and the stupor one. But now I am stuck on the Suzuka Experience. I have the LM55 VGT and the Alpine ‘17 VGT and the 25th anniversary car from PlayStation. Idk what car is best to use. I ranked up now 3mil credits and I will not spend it until I know for sure what car is best. Thanks
Hi, so I did my other two Daytona international speedway and the stupor one. But now I am stuck on the Suzuka Experience. I have the LM55 VGT and the Alpine ‘17 VGT and the 25th anniversary car from PlayStation. Idk what car is best to use. I ranked up now 3mil credits and I will not spend it until I know for sure what car is best. Thanks

Before you buy anything else… have you checked what the difficulty level is set on? What lap & finish times are you making that is still losing?

If your just just trying to get through it haven’t set it on “easy” that will make a huge difference. Not 100% but I believe the Suzuka experience plays the same as the Suzuka circuit.

If that is the case

On ‘easy’ the leader will finish around 19:40 - 19:55. Obviously weather dependent

I just replayed the Suzuka track with the Super Formula car (doesn’t need to be a Gr.1 car) and even with very sloppy driving & big pit lane penalty finished a comfortable 10+ seconds in front with an extra 1.5 laps of fuel.

With Fuel Map 1, using “overtake” on the straights

1st lap - in 10th position
2nd lap - 6th position (can easily be 5th)
3rd lap - 2nd position

Leader made pit stop at end of 3rd lap so I started the fourth in 1st place

Pit at the end of lap 6 for tires + fuel


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That’s the cars I have now and it’s on easy mode. With auto steering with the red lines on View attachment 1221564
You can beat it with the cars you have, definitely. I beat it today with both the Super Formula & The Redbull Car. I’m sure the TS030 and LM55 could do it too.

Edit: it could be an issue with however the car is tuned. If youre sliding off the road often just trying to keep up that sounds likely. Try the tune below for your Super Formula and see if that behaves different than your previous attempts. Also, forgot you said were using auto drive either steering/braking… I’d definitely turn that off

From the two I did today…

The Red Bull is faster/more powerful but its prone to slipping the tires more and burns through them fast. Mine was not tuned well for this, i’m certain it could do much better. I had to turn up the Fuel mapping to at least 3 or more, both for fuel and too much torque. I had to pit after lap 5 because the tires were toast

The Super Formula I feel is much easier to drive; it’s very grippy and forgiving, plus it has the built in Overdrive (like nitrous) can use on the straightaways. Like I said in last post I was able to pit stop at end of lap 6 in Fuel Map 1. I think I had traction control set to 0
There’s a pic of tuning I used on Super Formula below for 950pp, the turbo lag is set on to strong too

Couple Tips:

- Try to only Pit Stop 1 time, this saves a ton of time
-If youre having trouble with the weather… before the race ends hit retry and you will start the race again with the exact same weather so you can select the correct tires
  • Try using manual gear selection if you’re not already doing it, Its helps a lot. Downshifting to turn in tighter and time braking. Upshift quick stop tire spin or early in a gear to save fuel. You will also quickly learn what gear you need to be in for each section
  • Learn trail braking if not already doing it. braking before the turn and easing off into the entry, completely off by apex. This allows you to brake later and carry more speed.
  • Be aggressive overtaking cars, cut right in front, doesn’t matter if you bump them, specifically in the low speed corners
  • The red area for the brake zones isn’t perfect, there are spots you can likely go faster and/or brake later. Pay attention to the numbered turn markers and other scenery for cues of when you need to slow down
  • Try to get your laps close to 1:50, you have leeway for mistakes, getting first place if there’s no real rain just need to finish before about 19:40.


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You can beat it with the cars you have, definitely. I beat it today with both the Super Formula & The Redbull Car. I’m sure the TS030 and LM55 could do it too.

Edit: it could be an issue with however the car is tuned. If youre sliding off the road often just trying to keep up that sounds likely. Try the tune below for your Super Formula and see if that behaves different than your previous attempts. Also, forgot you said were using auto drive either steering/braking… I’d definitely turn that off

From the two I did today…

The Red Bull is faster/more powerful but its prone to slipping the tires more and burns through them fast. Mine was not tuned well for this, i’m certain it could do much better. I had to turn up the Fuel mapping to at least 3 or more, both for fuel and too much torque. I had to pit after lap 5 because the tires were toast

The Super Formula I feel is much easier to drive; it’s very grippy and forgiving, plus it has the built in Overdrive (like nitrous) can use on the straightaways. Like I said in last post I was able to pit stop at end of lap 6 in Fuel Map 1. I think I had traction control set to 0
There’s a pic of tuning I used on Super Formula below for 950pp, the turbo lag is set on to strong too

Couple Tips:

- Try to only Pit Stop 1 time, this saves a ton of time
-If youre having trouble with the weather… before the race ends hit retry and you will start the race again with the exact same weather so you can select the correct tires
  • Try using manual gear selection if you’re not already doing it, Its helps a lot. Downshifting to turn in tighter and time braking. Upshift quick stop tire spin or early in a gear to save fuel. You will also quickly learn what gear you need to be in for each section
  • Learn trail braking if not already doing it. braking before the turn and easing off into the entry, completely off by apex. This allows you to brake later and carry more speed.
  • Be aggressive overtaking cars, cut right in front, doesn’t matter if you bump them, specifically in the low speed corners
  • The red area for the brake zones isn’t perfect, there are spots you can likely go faster and/or brake later. Pay attention to the numbered turn markers and other scenery for cues of when you need to slow down
  • Try to get your laps close to 1:50, you have leeway for mistakes, getting first place if there’s no real rain just need to finish before about 19:40.
Hey man, on the corner turns my brakes spin so badly I usually have to restart the race. Is there a way to adjust the brake sensitivity?
Hey man, on the corner turns my brakes spin so badly I usually have to restart the race. Is there a way to adjust the brake sensitivity?
I dont think so. There’s settings to control feedback but I believe adjusting sensitivity only applies to steering, from the menu you can get in right before starting a race under controller settings, from the same sub menu “Settings” that you would choose assist options, Should have ABS brakes turned on there too though.

Did you try the Super Formula settings from the photos I posted? Are you spinning off the track using that? Again, a bad tune will have you fly off that track constantly.

I’m not sure in what manner you’re spinning or where in the turn you’re losing control but if youre trying to brake through an entire corner or at/past the apex (center of corner) that could do it, or will cause understeer and not turn enough… going straight off the track. If that’s the case youre either going to fast and need to lower speed more before turn or need to induce tighter steering in a different way, like dropping gears as you turn or tap and release accelerator (after apex)

It would be helpful if you could describe what’s happening during turns that your having trouble with. For example, are you sliding sideways, going into a complete spin where your car turns backwards and is it only on a couple tight turns…
A video clip or couple pics could help
I don't know the exact reason but seems @ MellowFresh have a problem to provide all the information needed to help him , at another thread he opens asking for help the same thing happens.
He don't know the language and has to translate? He is young and ashamed of something ? I really don't know but definitely is not the best way to get help
He drives with auto steering ON with breaking and turning controlled by the game mostly .

Brake sensitivity can be change from the LSD settings if its fully customisable and can change the behaviour of the car rolling at turns .

Gt series have more depth and details and are not an easy task especially when you mess with tunning section of the cars.

Anyway what driving assists are you using @MellowFresh ?
And what the values are ?
You use ABS?
You use TC ?
You use countersteering ?

How come and have so few cars ? You sell them all to gain credits?
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