Left mine black. Looks good. Though I'll probably get a second one and paint it Admiral Blue Metallic. It's way better than Silver Chrome.
This Lexus screams livery editor though.
Just noticed J-KiLLA24's post. My comment wasn't directed at you haha. I just don't like Chrome at all, and I'm not big on trading for it like a lot of other people.
I painted it the same Yellow that my used IS200 came in, but I'm always thinking of changing it to silver, or maybe Lime... If you want to stay in the family, the LFA comes in an array of fantastic colours.
EPIC BUMP: I just purchased the IS-F Racing Concept and painted it in Toyota Super Bright Yellow, in tribute of TXR0 opponent Blood Hound, who drove a Lexus customized to resemble the CLK-DTM.