What Do You Do For a Living?

I had a bookstore owned by a multinational corporation that went bust (the corp. My bookstore performed excellent every quarter). After that I started my own business helping hard-up students stay in school and/or college. My business parter and I poured our life savings in to that business (a very large sum of assets and money that is still hard to get over), then one of the biggest universities in America (and our largest client) pulled out of our contract illegally and basically stole our core business premise for themselves. So without any resources we couldn't find a legal team willing to take our case. And now I work in a FedEx warehouse, pulling myself back up one paycheck at a time.

Wow, that's so mean of them :(
Training Coordinator @ a Toyota Car Dealership... My main job is train and develop the salesmen of the dealership :)

And I also do general maintenance, sell cars, package delivery, marketing stuff, and solve problems... basically...

All for a pathetic salary... :banghead:
Wow, that's so mean of them :(
Didn't mean to throw a pity party for myself, but yeah it's hard to think about sometimes. We weren't in it for the money, just the satisfaction of building and growing something ourselves.
I work for one of the largest health systems in Michigan as a System Analyst. I work with software called Epic, our EMR, doing technical related stuff, along with running our mobile application program and working on our ICD-10 transition team.
I work with software called Epic
Two years and my wife still hates EPIC. :lol:

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I fix computer issues (like busted printers, uncooperative software (@Joey D's is Epic, mine is FAMIS (who comes up with this crap?))), maintain all the AutoCAD floor plans for 110 buildings and any number of other things on a University campus in the 4th fastest growing city in the US.
I'm a Resident Assistant at the University I study at. I live on campus and my role essentially is enforce the rules, keep roommates getting along, plan floor events, and take care of drunk people. We also get trained in counselling and suicide intervention stuff but fortunately I haven't had to deal with that.

I also deliver mail (as a part of the job. I wish I was cool enough to be a mail deliverer by day and keep dem streetz safe at night.)
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I'm a flight attendant at Trans Maldivian Airways. Quite different from other operations in that we don't have to serve drinks in flight :dopey:

Apart from that, not only do we have to tie the knots used to secure the aircraft to the platforms, we also have to load and offload luggage. A physically demanding job, but well worth the views and the feel of flying :D
Tie the knots? Are your airplanes boats?

If you remove the wings, yes they are :P

I am currently umeployed due to medical issues. But, before that I was Service advisor and Parts Department Supervisor for a local Ford dealership. I miss working.
Ah, didn't know they made pontooners that big.

I can't say for sure what I do yet. But I'll either be in IT or a laboratory somewhere for a year. Looking at an IT job because it's literally next door and I wouldn't have to commute to Cuba every day.
Put diapers, tampons, and organic hippie food on shelves. Yeah, I got kicked downstairs into what might be the worst department in the store. My boss is the only other person in the department, so I'm not allowed to call in sick anymore (even though that might be illegal) lest important stuff not get done, and the pressure for speed (what got me thrown out of grocery) is even higher here. How am I supposed to move fast when I can't move two steps without tripping over product that's expired or just plain not rotated I wonder... maybe if everyone else actually bothered to do it right I wouldn't be getting bogged down all the time. But when I try to get people to do so, I'm met with anguished cries of "YOU DON'T ROTATE 2015 EXPIRATIONS!" "YOU DON'T NEED TO ROTATE WHEN RESTOCKING FROM TOPSHELF!" (not true, I know from experience it's not always from the same shipment) and (probably jokingly) "IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP ABOUT ROTATION I'M GONNA STAB YOU!"

No good deed goes unpunished I guess... try to actually care about the quality of work and you get rebuffed, taken for granted, and shunted off into an embarrassing, difficult-to-work-for department (the transfer came in lieu of a scheduled performance review, draw your own conclusions).

Home Depot and Lowes are both hiring... I should probably just say "sayonara suckers!" and let that store marinate in its own stench of negligence.