What do you think, is the Worst sounding car in GT4?

  • Thread starter PeterJB
Have you heard of the Class 11 in the SCORE Baja 1000? It's only unmodified beetles that have to be before '80. Those guys are lucky to even FINISH 1000 miles out there!

That's what i was talkin about. I remember being a kid travelling across the country and in Denver there was some sort of off-road Beetle convention....we're talking hundreds of Baja bugs.

...just the sort of thing Alfaholic literally dreams about! :drool:
The worst has got to be the Wedsport Celica.Is it me or the car has two engines?Has that weird whistling sound.....and don't hate the Beetle either.I was thinking of buying one :( (does anyone know that the Beetle was designed by Ferdinand Porsche?So a beetle is basically a cheap mans porsche :lol: ) And as for the civic,its just for ricers(even with an engine swaps)
The worst has got to be the Wedsport Celica.Is it me or the car has two engines?Has that weird whistling sound.....and don't hate the Beetle either.I was thinking of buying one :( (does anyone know that the Beetle was designed by Ferdinand Porsche?So a beetle is basically a cheap mans porsche :lol: ) And as for the civic,its just for ricers(even with an engine swaps)

Not only that, but it was created smack-dab in the middle of the Nazi era, odd since it became the quintessential hippy car 25 years later. :nervous:
You can't buy the '49 Beetle, just the New Beetles (which aren't the same thing at all of course). You can win it, though, in the Beetle Cup manufacturers' series.

And yes, Dr. Porsche did design the Beetle.
ok i might be beat to death for saying this but i hate the civics engines. It just sooooo winy. Please dont hurt me:nervous: :ouch:

Oh Man i forgot about the Civics, but only soem of the civics Like the Gathers Driders one, and any other car which PD gave the EXACT same sound. Did anyone notice that some cars have the SAME EXACT engine sound?

Exactly...PD made the civics super duper whiny...In toronto, when modded with like those huge exhausts they sound like low rumbling noises

They only sound good because they got modded, duh. I TOO hate the Ricer Civics. Why? Well look at it this way. your Ricer Civic is at a Redlight, as well as a family car right beside. Both accelerate on the green, the civic is ouder than the family car yet both are going approximately the same speed.

No offence, but when i hear a loud car when they arent going fast, it tells me those engines are significantly weak and envionmentally UNfriendly.

That's why i liek the Nike One's sound, sound sleek, fast, modern and most of all, Not rumbling loud at 35km/h
Ahahahahahahah you say Porsche and design like we're meant to be bowled over. Haha.

The only radical car (in my opinion) to come out of that company was the 962, and that's 'cause it dun look like a porsche! :D
Ahahahahahahah you say Porsche and design like we're meant to be bowled over. Haha.

The only radical car (in my opinion) to come out of that company was the 962, and that's 'cause it dun look like a porsche! :D

956 i believe you mean.....the 962 looked the same with only minor changes at the tail eng and chassie/drivetrain mods so it wouldnt kill you....lol

959 was a true Porsche....as was the first gen 911.....and how can anyone not mention the 917 when talking about Porsche? 👍

back on topic, i find the Yellowbird to be highly dissapointing.....there is no "GRRRRRRR!!!!" in its sound, just "bzzzzzzzz...." like an angry fly....
956 i believe you mean.....the 962 looked the same with only minor changes at the tail eng and chassie/drivetrain mods so it wouldnt kill you....lol
Changes from the 956 (001-005) to 962/70 (84' IMSA):
* Cylinder capacity increased from 2639ccm (956) to 2869ccm (962) - The sprint version engine would increase to more than 3160ccm in the late 80#s
* Wheelbase/body length increased to 2770mm (120 mm longer than 956)
* Weight increased from 840 to 850 kgs (820 kg customer 956's)
* Power increase from 620HP @ 8200 to 680HP @ 8.200
* Aluminium roll-over bar evolved into pure steel roll over bar
* Wheel size changed from F12 R15 to F13 R14.5
* Compression ratio changed from 7.2:1 to 7.5:1 (962)
* Air cooled cylinder heads (962) instead of water cooled heads (956)
* Turbo charger KKK-K26 with twin air-to-water intercooler (956) changed to to KKK-K36 single-to-air intercooler (962)
* Exhaust taken out at rear

The changes from the 956 to the 962 werent so minor, the 962 was too different to be a ''updated 956''.
Exactly, which is why I didn't mention the 956.

Also, for many years the 962 has made for a successful road car conversion capable of 250+ mph. They may look similar, but they're very different cars.
Changes from the 956 (001-005) to 962/70 (84' IMSA):
* Cylinder capacity increased from 2639ccm (956) to 2869ccm (962) - The sprint version engine would increase to more than 3160ccm in the late 80#s
* Wheelbase/body length increased to 2770mm (120 mm longer than 956)
* Weight increased from 840 to 850 kgs (820 kg customer 956's)
* Power increase from 620HP @ 8200 to 680HP @ 8.200
* Aluminium roll-over bar evolved into pure steel roll over bar
* Wheel size changed from F12 R15 to F13 R14.5
* Compression ratio changed from 7.2:1 to 7.5:1 (962)
* Air cooled cylinder heads (962) instead of water cooled heads (956)
* Turbo charger KKK-K26 with twin air-to-water intercooler (956) changed to to KKK-K36 single-to-air intercooler (962)
* Exhaust taken out at rear

The changes from the 956 to the 962 werent so minor, the 962 was too different to be a ''updated 956''.

All the changes you just mentioned could easily be summed up as "only minor changes at the tail eng and chassie/drivetrain mods so it wouldnt kill you". They also show that the 962 was an evolution from the 956 (it looks like one too), hence, if you really want the record straight, it would be more correct to say that the 956 was the radical one, not the 962.
the civics sound pretty good, biut only if you have a bass speaker... instead they sound like a rumbling pack of flies...
Exactly, which is why I didn't mention the 956.

Also, for many years the 962 has made for a successful road car conversion capable of 250+ mph. They may look similar, but they're very different cars.

I dont know much about it, but its as far as I can remember the Dauer 962LM it was indeed different to the 962/70, having a flat bottom (instead of the ground-effect ducts group-C's had), lower rear wing and better front nose support/ footbox support+ extra crash structure. However, the Dauer road going version was able to hit speeds of over 250 mp/h because the complete lack of rear downforce the Dauer race 962 had. The rear wing of the road Dauer was not adjustable and flat.
The side radiators were much more covered with bodywork because the rules said no mechanical part shall be visable viewed from above or so, and the engine was much more powerful - the Dauer LM 962's had: 730HP twin-turbo.

Unfortunately I dont have much more informations about that car, but ask me 956/962 question I can answer them all.

A bit offtopic I know, but education can't be a bad thing. :dopey:

Back to topic:

Anyone else dislikes the whistling sound of the Toyota-7? Guess what, it has a V8 with 840 HP.....that whistles...:yuck:
the civics sound pretty good, biut only if you have a bass speaker... instead they sound like a rumbling pack of flies...

I have surround sound w/ a subwoofer... I think the civics still sound terrible. Not as bad as the weedwhacker RX-7 FDs though.
I know that the Mercedes-Benz A160 Avantgarde has the wierdest sound ever, if you install a racing exhaust.
Denovae, you do have a point, but they're still as loud as a jet...so I like them.
I dont really notice how a car sounds though, except how noticeable the Z33 is...
I dont like the Toyota triathlon. Infact I hate it for it's looks and sound. I'm a huge car nut and I love their sound. All you hear with this thing is the sound of the wind as you drive. It makes my want to vomit all over myself! :ill: :ill: :ill: :ill: :ill: :ill: :ill:
the racing exhaust ruins the sound of almost every car. it makes it sound like a weedwacker. As for a good V8 sound try some of the audis, they dont sound winey at all.:)
i dont know, because when i am playing GT4 my wife is watching tv right next to me. (i have two tv's in my lounge, one for ps2 and one for tv/dvd viewing) so i can not have any sound if i want to play, because i do what i have to to get my fix.
(you know women watching things like greys anatomy and melrose and girlie things like that.)
i dont know, because when i am playing GT4 my wife is watching tv right next to me. (i have two tv's in my lounge, one for ps2 and one for tv/dvd viewing) so i can not have any sound if i want to play, because i do what i have to to get my fix.
(you know women watching things like greys anatomy and melrose and girlie things like that.)

Headphones, man, you need a good set of headphones.

Ask her what size she'd prefer to wear.
Headphones, man, you need a good set of headphones.

Ask her what size she'd prefer to wear.

ROFL all day with that one.👍 and when i ask her i will probably be banned from playing for a week. jeez i am so under the thumb it's not funny:)
nobody noticed that the Merc SLR Mc Laren sounds like
one of those 80,s rayguns ? it,s horrible

I heard the real one run, don,t like that either but it does not sound like a friggin raygun
Most cars have either the same engine noise, one that sounds nothing like the real thing, or one that was completely made up.
The Mazda 787B isn't too far off in the game either.

The real thing.

And the GT4 thing.