What do you think of MP Ken Livingstone and Labour then.

.He won't apologise because he thinks he is telling the truth.He is a racist and don't like jews.And as for mentioning Hitler what an absolute idiot for saying that.Jeremy Corbyn should be sacked because he employed him and most likely knows what he is like.There have been 12 cases of anti-semitism in the labour party since Corbyn was employed there.

It's obvious the press have nothing to do, so they twist a story and put it out there for everyone to see.They have taken what Ken Livingstone has said out of context and blown it out of proportion again.Well done the press for trying to screw up the labour party for which they are trying to get votes in the next election congratulations on that NOT.

Hang on, first you start this thread all guns blazing about how awful Ken Livingstone is and how Jeremy Corbyn should be sacked because he apparently must have known about all this.

But then, you say it's the press blowing this out of proportion without context and accuse them of trying to destabilise the Labour party

In the space of three hours you've gone from echoing the media and denouncing the Labour party to denouncing the media and defending the Labour party. So which is it?
i am all for free expression.I don't have any problem with that at all
So let me get this straight. You're all for free expression, but if you don't like what's being expressed then we should boot them out?.

As for spelling mistakes etc.I need to do a spelling and grammar course at college.
No. You needed to pay attention in grammar school, where it's normally taught. Look, it's even in the name: grammar school!

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