what do you think Saudi Arabia is like?

  • Thread starter m7ammed
Saudi Arabia
Dammam, Saudi Arabia
I thought it would be intersting to see what people think Saudi is like , maybe a desert with a few tents lol?

what comes to your mind when start to imagine what Saudi ooks like?
what comes to your mind when start to imagine what Saudi ooks like?

A huge desert, lots of people with swords tied to their waist, lots of merchants with little tents on the streets.

er, methinks I saw Aladdin too many times :D

...mosks,rich people with tan,beards and wearing white sheets,belly dancers,oil..........

ok let me start clearing things up lol , we are not all rich some people are really poor over here :indiff: , not everybody has beards (atleast not the one you have in mind) , the white sheeys are called "Thobe" and I'm Saudi my mom is Saudi and my father is Saudi and I don't even have one lol , but mos people wear them though :) , belly Dancer thats something you won't ever ever ever ever see in Saudi lol

The part of Saudi where I live has the most oil in Saudi , and next to my Uni is the biggest Oil compnay in the world (Aramco) :D
A huge desert, lots of people with swords tied to their waist, lots of merchants with little tents on the streets.

er, methinks I saw Aladdin too many times :D


Far from tha this is a pic of Riydh the capiatal :D

A country with a lot of money.

And it even kinda offends me when people say your people were robes. They're Thobes d*mmit, just like you said.
Hmmm. Typical stereotypical stuff like the heat, sand, oil, royals, beards comes to mind. Also, peaceful streets, as in no bombing taking place.
No offense, but I also think of AK-47s when I think of the country, eventhough I know is not a country involved in terrorism or anything like that.

Hmmm. Typical stereotypical stuff like the heat, sand, oil, royals, beards comes to mind. Also, peaceful streets, as in no bombing taking place.

Well the weird thing is , 2 years ago there was a Terriost attack which killed my friends brother :indiff: (he was only 8-9 years old) he was going to school in the morning with his sis .

Last year they closed a full neigborhood as they have discovered a Terrois cell , and it was like a war it was 2 days of shootings using everthign you coul imagine .

Streets are getting crowded but other than most of the time its peacfull with people jut mindng thre own busniess :)

No offense, but I also think of AK-47s when I think of the country, eventhough I know is not a country involved in terrorism or anything like that.

None taking , but it sadanes me that people have that thought inthe back fo their mind
Well the weird thing is , 2 years ago there was a Terriost attack which killed my friends brother :indiff: (he was only 8-9 years old) he was going to school in the morning with his sis .
This is one of the craziest things in today's world. Women and kids getting killed over some political B.S. Terrorists truly are one of the lowest forms of life IMO. 👎
You know, it's quite typical to imagine a land 10,000 miles away, and picture it as this exotic, mysterious place, disconnected from our own. Last month, I was in New York, and whilst killing time at the airport I walked by a gate where probably 300-400 people were waiting to board a plane to Jeddah. What struck me was how eerily similar the scene was to every other airport gate I had ever seen. Kids were laughing and playing with each other; their weary parents just watching quietly or dozing. The whole room had a sense of anticipation--that of returning home (albeit only after a 15-hour flight). While these people were definitely from a different culture (every woman was wearing a burka, and every man a turban), it amazed me at how similar our day-to-day lives probably are, even though our homes are on opposite sides of the planet.