What do you think the slogan for Gran Turismo 5 should be?

  • Thread starter Craig HP
GT5: The only game that justifies owning a PS3.

GT5: Still no lamborghinis or porsches,eeerr but hey at least you have a s**t load of nissans.

GT5: you came for the racing, you stayed for the cheesy elevator music.

GT5: we were going to give you lambos, but we thought you would prefer a few more skylines instead.
Drive off your wife :rolleyes:

HAHA once I read yours I got inspired for people like me..

GT5:The Virgin Maker.

By the way, I'm not trying to offend anyone if anyone finds this offensive, After all I'm talking about myself here! haha
GT5: Because oversteer is for Noobs
GT5: Slap on a wing and call me in the morning
GT5: COD4 had to go back in the case eventually
GT5: Because hopping up a LeMans car isn't just possible, it's downright exhilerating
GT5: Cuz you'll take a 5 second penalty over careening to your death any day
At least we know one of Prologues now from the advert..

"Drivers of the world, start your engines"
1. Still the greatest!
2. Thanks for being patient!
3. What the hell is Porza?
4. Gran Turismo, the alternative to crack coccaine:)
5. As real and good as it gets, but people will still complain and moan.

fits perfectly :D
1. Suddenly, There is reason to put down MGS4
2. Something that actually might get you to stop play PGR3
3. You got the first 4, might as well continue.
4. Because dreams do come true
5. Ferraris actually look good for once.
6. Satisfy your Car porn fantasies
Gran Turismo 5: trading realism for 100 more polygons on each car since 1997, enjoy your broken suspension of disbelief and mediocre Electronic Arts-style sequel(s).


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