What do you want?

  • Thread starter genesect
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
I am currently bored on GT5 as everyone kick me for my newly X1 ( red livery ) so I thought I would help out the community and give you free cars for well FREE. I will give only premium cars up to 999,999 cr. Just ask what you want and your car will most likely arrive in less than a week. P.S if anyone want to vs my X1 just say OK.:)
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O ya so the limit is 15, 000, 000 then what happens if someone asks you for a
10, 000, 000 credit car? Will your money be gone forever or you are going to overwrite the game to get your 15,000,000
Credits back?
It looks like most here need to be reminded of this.

You will not use “textspeak” (“r”, “u”, “plz”, etc.) in your messages. Decent grammar is expected at all times, including proper usage of capital letters.

You all agreed to that when you signed up. Please adhere to it.
O ya so the limit is 15, 000, 000 then what happens if someone asks you for a
10, 000, 000 credit car? Will your money be gone forever or you are going to overwrite the game to get your 15,000,000
Credits back?

No I will just earn my cr back
It looks like most here need to be reminded of this.

You all agreed to that when you signed up. Please adhere to it.

I wonder why do we need to spell our words like that its kinda stupid because you still are maning the same thing... but whatever
I wonder why do we need to spell our words like that its kinda stupid because you still are maning the same thing... but whatever
Point me to the bit where I mentioned spelling?

You need to take more care over your posts as a lot of our members are reading and typing English as a second language. Therefore we need to use proper grammar and sentence structure so that they can understand what you are trying to say, instead of them trying to understand the gibberish you type.

And we have an edit button. There is no need to make a double post.
point me to the bit where i mentioned spelling?

You need to take more care over your posts as a lot of our members are reading and typing english as a second language. Therefore we need to use proper grammar and sentence structure so that they can understand what you are trying to say, instead of them trying to understand the gibberish you type.

And we have an edit button. There is no need to make a double post.

It's over 15,000,000 cr

So? What does that matter?? A. you can reload game saves to never lose a car you send, but more importantly B. You CANNOT trade cars over 1,000,000 credits regardless. Try reading our stickies buddy :sly:
Just great I just got reported for not using the correct grammar :'(

Wait, so you're telling me a mod asked you repeatedly to follow the AUP you agreed to when signing up, and then someone reported you for ignoring them? No way! Say it ain't so!!