Our tax dollars pay the UN. I remember reading something about 7 or 8 years ago that 10 to 12 percent of our tax dollars goes to the UN. I think that amount was lowered a few years ago, but I'm not really sure about that.
Oh, and the UN takes our money, and its members steal it. They keep it for themselves, becuase the UN never seems to have the money needed to do the things they were origianly created for. All I hear from them is endless bickering, and holding rally, after rally, and summit after summit. Now, I see them listening to stars like Sting, and Bono who seem to have the sollution to the world AIDS problem. Scarry thought, uh?
The UN seems to be dragging their asses about the problems facing Africa. The one place perhaps where help is needed the most. Now that there is this Africa Union, maybe the UN has dropped them from any responsibility whatsoever, not that the UN ever showed any.