What don't you like about GTS? From the beta

  • Thread starter diesel97
Another thing that is truly borked is the BOP. I just received the N300 Evo and managed to take a whopping 4 seconds off my quali time around Brands putting me within a second of the top 10 and an optimal time in the top10. My quali time with the Scirocco wasn't fantastic but it certainly wasn't 4 seconds off my quickest with that car. Then factor in the amazing launch you get with the Evo and it's easy to see just how bad the BOP is. This game will live and die by the BOP. If it doesn't get sorted we will have grid after grid of the same cars.
The SR in this version of the game is totally and utterly broken. No matter what happens every race I've played this week someone has wiped me out and I've lost points because of it... and it's not like in iRacing where you can avoid people and just increase the rating because then that hits your DR!

Pretty much given up playing the beta now. No matter how high my SR is (it was up to 45 until the last race) some wonderful person manages to wipe me out or push me off track.
I run a T300 and have exactly the same complaint.

In comparison to both Project Cars and Assetto Corsa the FFB is very basic and lacking.

Whilst a small part of me is pleased that it's not my hardware that is the issue, so much of me hates this. Gran Turismo was THE game for me for so long and sadly right now it's not close.
Checking the leader boards and everyone is the same car. That's a sure sign the BOP is failing. Imo.
That may indeed be true but it also depends on how tight the leaderboards are and how close the next best car is in terms of lap time differential. I wouldn't focus on the top as the fastest drivers will always choose the fastest car and exploit the heck out of it, even if it's only a 0.1 or 0.2 difference between other cars. You can have a leaderboard dominated by a a dozen or more people in the same car at 2:00 to 2:00.350 and then the next best car at 2:00.351 and, if that was the case, the BOP would be working quite well and only need minor tweaking. If the gap is more than about 0.5% in time differential, I'd say there are some serious BOP issues. Less than that and only minor tweaking is needed.
Checking the leader boards and everyone is the same car. That's a sure sign the BOP is failing. Imo.

Sort of: it is only the top ten after all, when there's at least a few hundred people playing in each region. For all we know, there could be 1000 people participating: that means the leaderboard is only representative of the fastest 1% right now.

It'd be helpful if we could browse more of the boards, to get an idea of how far ahead particular cars are. Being able to see the leaderboards for all tracks, instead of only the current active one, would help too: it'd let us know if a particular car is dominant only at certain tracks, or at all of them.

The closest comparison I have in terms of consoles games is FM6. There are certain tracks which favour particular styles of builds — acceleration, top speed, or handling — and there's usually a handful of cars that top each respective style. But, that only applies to the absolute fastest guys: it's still pretty easy to get into the top 1% with a non-leaderboard car, and in the general public lobbies, a lot of cars can be competitive with one another. Once you move out of the top hundred or so entries, the variety of cars vastly increases.

Like @Johnnypenso says, the fastest guys will always find the absolute best car and continue to exploit it. I'm not saying the BoP is perfect in GT Sport — the Evo really is just running away in N300, and the GT-R in Gr.4 — but judging it based on the elite at the top isn't ideal, IMO.
BOP is not good. I went 4 seconds quicker around Brands after finally getting the Evo compared to the Scirroco.
The tendency of top drivers to pick a single car and exploit it is a weakness in using a large beta test to make BOP adjustments. It skews the leaderboard results in favour of cars that have slight advantages and skews lap times in their favour. I've always thought a better approach would be to be in direct contact with a select group of top players and have them test specific car/track combinations so that each car is thoroughly tested and taken to it's limits. If the Evo is running away in N300 it may indeed be the faster car, but if the fastest drivers in the beta congregate towards it, that means the slower drivers are providing the data for the other cars which skews the true differences between the cars. A much tighter focus on testing would provide more usable results. In a game this big that is aiming to take the eSport world by storm, let's hope they are doing this behind the scenes and the full beta is for more general feedback on gameplay and bugs.
The tendency of top drivers to pick a single car and exploit it is a weakness in using a large beta test to make BOP adjustments. It skews the leaderboard results in favour of cars that have slight advantages and skews lap times in their favour. I've always thought a better approach would be to be in direct contact with a select group of top players and have them test specific car/track combinations so that each car is thoroughly tested and taken to it's limits. If the Evo is running away in N300 it may indeed be the faster car, but if the fastest drivers in the beta congregate towards it, that means the slower drivers are providing the data for the other cars which skews the true differences between the cars. A much tighter focus on testing would provide more usable results. In a game this big that is aiming to take the eSport world by storm, let's hope they are doing this behind the scenes and the full beta is for more general feedback on gameplay and bugs.

I think it's also worth pointing out that if the fastest drivers only focus on one car, then the qwerks of special setup on a different car that say, isn't as easy to drive, never get found.

So there could be a MR car that is actually secretly much faster than the Evo, it's just that to extract the lap time you have to be pretty special and you need a specific setup to maximise the pace for said track.

It's like testing any competitive game, out of the gate all most people do it maximise the easiest strategy, so in Starcraft for example, all beta stages are, is mostly playing people who cheese all the time.

I'm not defending the BOP and I think the best thing to do would be to fix the tyre physics, but it's something to consider.
(I don't know, if anyone else mentioned this, but...)

One of the things, I don't like in the Beta, is the lack of purchasing cars and parts. I know that, this is just the Beta. We'll be able to do this, in the full game. But, what about the tuners, who've migrated from GT6, that wants their simple N-Class base car to become a track-fearing GT4-class car.
1- Sound. Would learn a thing or two from this game
2- Fanatec Support (from Handbrake to pedals and shifters)
3- FFB
4- Online Servers to match today's standard
5- Ability to change FOV
6- Ability to turn off HUD
7- Adjust the seat (forward, backwards up/down)
8- Laser scanned tracks (like Assetto corsa)
9- Unify the people's experience. (even in beta people started with different cars and won different cars).

Will leave this behind...
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I think it's also worth pointing out that if the fastest drivers only focus on one car, then the qwerks of special setup on a different car that say, isn't as easy to drive, never get found.

So there could be a MR car that is actually secretly much faster than the Evo, it's just that to extract the lap time you have to be pretty special and you need a specific setup to maximise the pace for said track.

It's like testing any competitive game, out of the gate all most people do it maximise the easiest strategy, so in Starcraft for example, all beta stages are, is mostly playing people who cheese all the time.

I'm not defending the BOP and I think the best thing to do would be to fix the tyre physics, but it's something to consider.
That's pretty much what I'm saying. When the top guys zero in on one car it gets the maximum tuning/tweaking driving effort and little attention is paid to the slower cars, which creates an unnaturally large gap between the cars in the overall picture. If the same effort was put into all the cars by the same group of people, the results would be much more representative.
Okay, after todays races I'm just going to say that I don't like Northern Isle Speedway at all. Got matched with a lot of E rank drivers in all 3 races and it went about as well as you'd expect, even though I won twice. Managed to drop 3 SR (75 to 72) and finish 12th in 1 race. Trying to overtake on the inside is impossible, not enough speed or understeer into the wall at the end of the corner. Staying on the outside line while most of the E ranks take middle line is also not a good idea. You just get run against the wall while overtaking them around the outside, sometimes spinning you out. They aren't even ghosting half of the time.

My first few races on this track a few days ago were definately better since I got matched with the same ranks but this was just awful. Hope they really improve the matching system so the same ranks and SR's get matched, why else is there a driver rank and SR? As for the track itself, the straights are just way too short in my opinion, I still haven't figured out how to make a clean overtake there on someone going just a little bit slower than you.
I hate this Mitsubishi lancer evo final edition 2015. BoP favored, most of the people racing with it think they are in a tank and above everything it´s me in my evora that loose 1 SR point. :irked: Why ?? I don´t have no idea.
I don't know if this was a one-off or some flaw in the prediction code... I was being followed closely by another car in the long braking section at the end of the ring. Got a bump like he'd hit me, but then his car jumped further behind. So lag of some sort. Now, if he was braking, the prediction should've assumed he would continue braking. Instead, it was as if it assumed he would continue at the same speed. I think it's also happened when I was the car behind, but harder to be sure about that case.

Anyone else seen similar?
I don't know if this was a one-off or some flaw in the prediction code... I was being followed closely by another car in the long braking section at the end of the ring. Got a bump like he'd hit me, but then his car jumped further behind. So lag of some sort. Now, if he was braking, the prediction should've assumed he would continue braking. Instead, it was as if it assumed he would continue at the same speed. I think it's also happened when I was the car behind, but harder to be sure about that case.

Anyone else seen similar?

Yeah I had the same issues today. Saw a few cars behind me flying all over the place. I luckily didn't get hit by them though but I did hear them crashing against guardrails pretty hard, while they were actually driving on the road when I looked behind me.
Yeah I had the same issues today. Saw a few cars behind me flying all over the place. I luckily didn't get hit by them though but I did hear them crashing against guardrails pretty hard, while they were actually driving on the road when I looked behind me.

I've seen some of that as well, but never clearly enough to work out if the ones who appeared to crash had their turning ignored by the prediction, as in, the game already knew they were turning, but then predicted them as going straight. Of course if the game didn't yet know they were turning, there's nothing it could do, apart from perhaps an auto-drive type of prediction.
I'm with most of you- I really want to like this game, but there are still some issues. My SR is up to 70, but I'm still getting rammed- hey, if I'm that much slower, go the f#$% around. Had a guy hit me three times in a row at Dragon yesterday- bambambam- hell that place is like 4 lanes wide- really? How about a 5 second throttle lock for contact? Still watching guys go waaaaaay off track and still rejoin ahead. Struggling with gearing still- quick in the corners but still watching those GT-R's sail away, even in the Vette. I get BoP, but a 7L V8 should have some pull. TC is still a mess- like a lightswitch at low settings, and like an anchor at anything over 3. I like to think I have pretty good throttle control (G25 user for 10 plus years, G29 now...), but I have a hard time keeping any of the RWD's in this game from breaking loose. Still watching guys twitch all over- is it latency or just controller driving? I think the AWD cars are all on SM's- I have the TTS, and it's so much grippier I almost can't drive the Focus or Megane after it. Brakes suck in N300- is there a tune fix for this? Brake balance? GT3 is the best balanced so far, except the ovals which seem to favor the AMG GT (NIS) or the STI (Blue Bunny...)(Really? 4 cylinder turbo brickmobile is faster than the McLaren, Ferrari, Vette, and the AMG's on a pure aero track? BoP=Japanese car must be fastest...?) Put me in races with 10 guys who are all within a second of my lap time, not guys who are 5 sec faster. Stuck in D forever? Still kind of stoked to be participating, but not having a lot of fun.
One more thing- (OK, three, really...) Just got the N300 Evo, and it's RHD? So is the STI? This is just stupid, or lazy. I'd also love some gearing or setup advice- I'm at Dragon Tuesday night, in the esses, in the GT3 Vette, in 5th, foot planted, on the edge of grip, and another guy in a Vette just sails past. Woof- send me your setup, chief. Ok, I'm old, and don't have the reflexes of a 13-year-old on meth, and I'm driving a wheel with minimal aids, but, wow, just, wow.

After driving 1.05 tonight, I'm much happier with the driving dynamics, but everything else I've said here stands. Not a purchase, yet.
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