What exactly transfers from GT PSP (or prologue) to GT5?

  • Thread starter BradKinder
Can we have a definite answer on the transferability of GT5 Prologue cars.
Yes or No


Yes or No. And if you could include a video/picture of the transfer process it'd be even better.

Remember, this is for Gran Turismo 5 PROLOGUE .

Only, I have a copy of every GT5 Prologue ever sold and... you must have a different one. What region are you? Alpha Centauri?

Click for bigness
Nice collection.

So, from what I gather, THE FACTS ARE:
-GT PSP cars transfer to GT5 as unique, individual cars. They retain the color you bought them as in GT PSP.
-Upon connecting your psp and accessing the appropriate menu in GT5, you see a list of your GT PSP cars. You can then move up to 50 of them to GT5's Mobile Garage.
-3 cars cannot be transferred, and the models are stated above (none of them interested me enough to remember them)
-You get nothing from Gran Turismo 5 Prologue.

Cool. :)

(I will let you know if any of this is untrue after I get my copy tomorrow. But don't worry, it's not :D)
You should see the rest of them :D

But yes, nothing from GT5P, PSP cars to Arcade is what I understand so far.
From what I got told nothing from Prologue can be transferred over to GT5 unless PD release a patch allowing it at some point :)
Are the cars in GT5-P in GT5, right? and Premium too right?

So the (lack) of transfer is not so much the problem... it's the monetary credit that is a bummer... you just cant start with $2M to start off with...

I was working so hard at collecting cars and money... So much for that...

but Honestly, i dont care start from the ground up in GT5, it will be so much worth while!

Only, I have a copy of every GT5 Prologue ever sold and... you must have a different one. What region are you? Alpha Centauri?

Click for bigness

Just for the record - straight from the Gran Turismo website 30 seconds ago:

Head Start on Gran Turismo 5 -- Get a jump on the competition. You can transfer your Gran Turismo 5 Prologue progress to Gran Turismo 5 when it releases.


I recall reading it either on the box or in the booklet too - but I sold my copy of GT5P so cannot look.
It doesn't say it on the box but it sure does online. Even if they are transferable, it's probably only to arcade mode. Might as well as start off from scratch then.
Uploaded my 183 car garage from psp too ps3 yesterday can only select 50 too display in the portable garage in arcade mode too use. havent tried changes cars in the portable garage yet
Just for the record - straight from the Gran Turismo website 30 seconds ago

Jeremy Clarkson
Every single one of the 270 billion facts on the internet is wrong.

I recall reading it either on the box or in the booklet too - but I sold my copy of GT5P so cannot look.

The US box is the bottom left one - it's not on the box

(bottom row: US Spec 2, Japan Spec 1, PAL Spec 2; top: Japan Spec 3).
So Famine, do you have every Gran Turismo released worldwide? Are they unopened? Just wondering. Because, that would be neat...:drool:
My collection is nothing compared to edwardv12 (and I've bought several games from him), but in terms of full, shop releases I'm missing only the Korean-market-only GT Concept - and I have a few minor releases (GT2000, for instance) and collector editions (GTC, GT4 twice, GT5P). I tend not to buy Greatest Hits/Platinum copies though.

There's a thread in the Gaming in General forum covering it.
Hmm...so 50 cars at a time isn't too bad. Not sure why they limit it however.

Would still like to hear more details on how it works from PSP.

Is the PSP car list always on the PS3 and you can change the garage anytime one wants or does one need to reconnect the PSP every time to change the garage on the PS3?
An immediate apology must be offered from me to Famine for being rude and incorrect at the same time. Thats not good.

I just got ahold of my prologue box- it's not on the back OR in the booklet.

I must have seen it on the official prologue website as mentioned by strtgng.


..either way, the inability to transfer anything from prologue is disgraceful in the truest sense of the word. No honest company should advertise falsities.

I don't even care about the cars- just a cool 100k cash or something to start with. Considering GT5P cost $40 upon release, would that be too much to ask? Every major edition of GT has had a similar option.
