What games are you playing now?

  • Thread starter F1 fan
Please tell us what games you are playing now, not possibly maybe sometime in the future.
The thread name is specifically "what games are you playing now".
Thanks đź‘Ť

Me, I'm mainly working through the FM23 Featured chore cough Featured Tour, Grid 2019 and Grid Legend careers, and have just started Gotham Knights in case that leaves Game Pass this month. Not far enough in to Gotham Knights to know whether i like it or not yet. I'm missing The Bat a lot though.
Ok, sorry. Well I am streaming the Ratchet: Future games. You know that series? There's three games to it. I played the crack in Time for a while, but the other two I downloaded Friday and it's so fun and cool.

Future: Tools of Destruction
Future: Quest for Booty
Future: Crack in Time
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Ok, sorry. Well I am streaming the Ratchet: Future games. You know that series? There's three games to it. I played the crack in Time for a while, but the other two I downloaded Friday and it's so fun and cool.

Future: Tools of Destruction
Future: Quest for Booty
Future: Crack in Time
Excellent choice. All the Ratchet series are great games. It's a shame they're not making more.
Still playing Crime Boss: Rockay City.
Also playing Need for Speed: Underground 2 on the handheld.
And, much to my surprise, having a lot of fun with CarX Street on my handheld as well. An open-world racing game that plays just fine on a handheld with decent settings, contrary to some other recently launched title. :P

Please tell us what games you are playing now, not possibly maybe sometime in the future.
The thread name is specifically "what games are you playing now".
It would be very unwise of me to start listing all the free games I got on Epic, or the stuff I bought on any store, but immediately but on the 'To play some time in the future' list (aka 'Games go here to never be heard and seen from again' list). :lol:
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Far Cry 5 - Came up stupidly cheap on PS Store so would have been rude not to.

It's much like FC3 and FC4 which i very much enjoyed and it doesn't take the game play anywhere new, but its a fun new map and story (to me) so its like visiting an old friend i've not seen in years. Despite that i was straight back into it and quickly grinding through the missions. Don't think it will last long on my play roster, as games they're not really worth replaying through again IMO, but for under ÂŁ10 you can't go wrong.
Far Cry 5
Easily one of my most favorite Far Cry games. I like that FC, in almost every title, tries to blur the line between good and evil. Evil, but charismatic villains. Putting the mirror in front of the player with regards to their own morality, making them question whether they're really the good guy (since you're always a mass murderer in these games :D). đź‘Ť Try New Dawn after this one if you can get it on the cheap too.
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I'm really enjoying Deadlock. Let me know if any of you want an invite. It's Valve's new MOBA-shooter hybrid. The only downside is that every match takes at least 30 minutes, but usually anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. Not great if you have a busy schedule.
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Excellent choice. All the Ratchet series are great games. It's a shame they're not making more.
Definitely a shame. A game called Akimbot just launched recently that clearly has been inspired by the Ratchet series and Jak series, though, so I'm curious to give that a try. Miss those kind of games, they're rare lately.
Astrobot, what a game.
I was paying this zero attention until I saw some of the reviews for it. Nothing but praise and it is on my wishlist now.

Was making good progress with Horizon Forbidden West... but I watched too many videos of Space Marine 2 and ended up caving in and buying it on Amazon.

Didn't finish installing until quite late last night, so I only got a quick play before my bed called me. Need to get on the PS5 earlier this evening!
Far Cry 5 - Came up stupidly cheap on PS Store so would have been rude not to.

It's much like FC3 and FC4 which i very much enjoyed and it doesn't take the game play anywhere new, but its a fun new map and story (to me) so its like visiting an old friend i've not seen in years. Despite that i was straight back into it and quickly grinding through the missions. Don't think it will last long on my play roster, as games they're not really worth replaying through again IMO, but for under ÂŁ10 you can't go wrong.
I adore this game. Have not really enjoyed a FarCry game before or after it, but 5 I could't get enough of.

Pretty sure I got the platinum.

Very fond memories of playing through it with my brother.

Also just did this:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-09-08 um 22.37.17 Kopie.jpg
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After years of owning it on Steam, I finally got Fire Pro Wrestling World working! My problem was how the wrestlers didn't load up when I go to any menus. My Save data was apparently corrupted. So I deleted it and built a new one, and now the game will load the wrestlers in the Wrestler Select stream. I then tried one of the missions followed by an MMA fight. I thought I had won the fight in the 3rd round, until my guy got choked out. Crap...

Anyhow, I may spend some more time with Fire Pro Wrestling World if I get intrigued to further delve into the game.
After years of owning it on Steam, I finally got Fire Pro Wrestling World working! My problem was how the wrestlers didn't load up when I go to any menus. My Save data was apparently corrupted. So I deleted it and built a new one, and now the game will load the wrestlers in the Wrestler Select stream. I then tried one of the missions followed by an MMA fight. I thought I had won the fight in the 3rd round, until my guy got choked out. Crap...

Anyhow, I may spend some more time with Fire Pro Wrestling World if I get intrigued to further delve into the game.
Interested Go On GIF by Schitt's Creek

Once you do, then have fun going down the Workshop rabbithole
Ever so often I go through old F1 games because I'm weird. They’re far more interesting than the newer ones. Currently worked my way to 2000-ish and had forgotten how many games there were in this era. Sony’s Formula One 2000 is solid but my God, how did they get away with that awful collision detection? I’d forgotten how bad it was, tap another car and you kinda teleport to the other side of the track, so bad. Actually I’m enjoying the EA games better, I think they’ve aged better. F1 2000 then F1 Championship Season 2000, which are basically the same game but F1 2000 was rushed for the start of the season so is like the beta version with some inaccurate liveries and car models. They’re both fun and both far better than the PS2 version of Championship Season 2000. Then you go into the murky world of VideoSystem’s F1 World Grand Prix games - great on N64, impressive on Dreamcast but on the PS1 horrible migraine inducing messes of terrible handling, AI and shoddy graphics.

Sadly that’s it from that era and they make the jump to 128bit next, which is objectively better but less fun.
Deleted Destiny 2 again because it was getting out of hand.

Thinking about StarWars Outlaws right now.

I know the reviews weren't great, but I feel like I might like it.
Still playing Gundam Breakers 4, and it turns out I was wrong about them doing away with separate 1/144 and 1/100 size parts. The "Master Grade" 1/100s start dropping after you finish story mode, and considering they can still be freely resized but start out at a larger base size, this has opened up some very interesting possibilities.


I can definitely appreciate a game that allows me to make my character unreasonably large and doesn't care if I do it. That's not even as far as I could potentially push things either, but any more and I literally can't see what's going on. :lol:
I've been hanging out at a bunch of air museums recently because my nearly 3-year-old has, somehow, become obsessed with planes after I persuaded him to become obsessed with planes by taking him to air museums, weird how that works. Anyway, I installed Ace Combat 7. Even though I played loads I remember nothing except that it's a great game. I'm tempted to do the guns-only campaign run but it makes my Deck sound like a jet so I don't know if I'll stick with it.
I casually downloaded Vampire Survivors, and well, I'm addicted now. Getting that 30-minute run is so satisfying!
Bought Vampire Survivors for the Switch a couple of weeks ago. Its so satisfying just watching enemies melt when you get good combo weapons leveled up.
I've been hanging out at a bunch of air museums recently because my nearly 3-year-old has, somehow, become obsessed with planes after I persuaded him to become obsessed with planes by taking him to air museums, weird how that works.
Well played: now you have to do more museum trips in the future! :lol:

I need to go back to Ace Combat 7 as I was quite enjoying playing it online (after several campaign playthroughs), however I got distracted by EA WRC when I got a PS5 and haven't really used the PS4 much since.

Had a couple of decent sessions on Space Marine 2 over the weekend and I'm having an absolute blast with it so far. Much like the original it isn't a mentally challenging, but it is big, dumb fun and I think it looks great. Been running through the campaign on my own and dipping into the co-op PVE missions with a friend and some randoms online. Not bothered about PVP, but I will get around to it eventually as I like to be a completionist and try and get all the trophies.

Will probably put some more hours into SM2 this week, then carry on with my Horizon Forbidden West playthrough.
Black Myth: WuKong - finally finished my first playthough, 4 things I dont like
1. invisible walls (coming from someone who doesnt like open world games), could be solved better
2. huge enemy hitbox making them evade lots of attacks unless one is standing to their legs
3. the last chapter
4. requiring more than 1 playthrough for Platinum trophy because some things unlock during the 2nd playthrough

Space Marine 2 - this is a 10/10 for me, maybe a bit short on the campain side, but perfectly executed quality. Also the PVP is super fun.
But I found a rather strange bug in which the sniper spec has infinite ammo for the primary weapon - and there is no way to prevent it from happening. Actually there is - not using the secondary weapon, but without the infinite ammo bug, you would use the secondary weapon which then creates the paradoxon loop of creating infinite ammo on the primary weapon.
This makes the game much easier than it is expected to be (and I have not yet tested if this bug applies to PVP as there are no weapon traits or character traits that very likely are the cause behind it).
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Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered, one of my favorite games of all time. The atmosphere classic TR had never really translated into the newer titles, the solitary experience, the exploration, the puzzles, just hit different.

Bummed that the remastered version does not include “The Last Revelation”.
Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered, one of my favorite games of all time. The atmosphere classic TR had never really translated into the newer titles, the solitary experience, the exploration, the puzzles, just hit different.

Bummed that the remastered version does not include “The Last Revelation”.
I've played through the Remastered trilogy three times now I love those games so much. Tomb Raider II was an especially big part of my childhood.

There are rumors floating around that they may be remastering The Last Revelation and Chronicles, which would be great because I've never completed The Last Revelation and I've never even played Chronicles.
Back to Need for Speed Underground again. I have had a lot of different games on my mind recently, but NFS ended up being the one that I settled with, so I decided to pick up where I left off on this game last year. I didn't have as much fun with the game as I had hoped last year probably because I still had Most Wanted fresh on my mind from when I played it a ton shortly before. However, since I don't have any other NFS games on my mind anymore, I am having a lot more fun now and I am hoping to finally beat it after 18 years.
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Space Marine 2 - this is a 10/10 for me, maybe a bit short on the campain side, but perfectly executed quality. Also the PVP is super fun.
I am yet to try the PVP, but I am still having an absolute blast with this. Just finished a second campaign runthrough finding the collectibles that I missed on my first run.

Think I'll start doing the co-op missions on increasing difficulty next and then maybe I'll give the PVP a try. I think the character level from Operations carries across to the PVP, so hopefully I'll have half a chance against other players!