What graphical improvements do you want for GT5?

See...how can PD live up to all those expectations (and dont even start the "BUT-IT-WAS-5-YEARS"-crap again, as GT5 wasn't/isn't their only project). The next minute someone comes and says the opposite of the things, what he/she thinks would be best.

In the end there will be surely many people disappointed by the game, because noone can create all those things people "demand".

Well to be honest quite a lot of what was mentioned in my post and what others have said does not neccessarily involve bringing anything new to the table. Things like HDR, brightness of cockpit, filters, colour/saturation etc etc can all be altered with little to no performance drop, they are merley parameters that are already in place.

As for things like backfire, rain, night racing, these were things that were in GT4 so should be in GT5. AA could be improved if they improve the LODs, better textures would not hurt that badly, the fixed sky is awful, warhawk is a good example of what clouds should look like on PS3.

If you think that is a lot of expectations, then you have probably never seen the notes released with an update patch for a game, those usually state in excess of 50 parameters or improvements that have been made since the initial release.
My point was, that many could be disappointed with the final product. What if the game is a polished GT4...it wont happen, but you know what i mean.

I havent played Warhawk and no offense intended, but it should naturally have better clouds than GT, because you fly around and stuff...it's the same like the thing about the trees in another thread. But yeah, the small things, could be fixed "easily"...i think.
reverse lights, skid marks, light reflections, no more 2d backgrounds, better aa, solid 60fps, track marbles, and free ice cream
It would be interesting to see on some older used cars, more physical wear. like rust on the rocker panels or around the tail light assemblys where rust usually occurs. and then be able to take it and replace certain panels....just a thought that i was thinking of yesterday. but so far it looks like the only damage will be on race cars, and since rust is damage, i highly doubt it.
The backgrounds in GT5P (like the Eiger) are 3D.

Yes, thats true, but PD has a habit of drapping photographs over low polly 3d objects, though i must admit Eiger looks great, better than i thought it would do. And the sky is essentially a 2d photograph, a poor one at that.
Yes, thats true, but PD has a habit of drapping photographs over low polly 3d objects, though i must admit Eiger looks great, better than i thought it would do. And the sky is essentially a 2d photograph, a poor one at that.

The sky is the weakest thing in Prologue- GT4 had a better sky+ clouds. But I would say it's again due the fact that GT5P was originally PSN downloadeable game and PD needed to cut corners to minimize the file size (and sky being quite a large portion of an environment takes a huge chunk especially if it were high resolutio texture). The worst is probaby Suzuka- it's quite pixelated.
So no reverse lights anyone?

Well the idea is to be going forward and racing lol. Did we have reverse lights for GT4, i can't remember?

Oh and what about a hazard sign, like some cars come equipped with. Get out your car and stick that big triangle on the back.

Actually theres a point, do you think we will be able to get out our cars, and perhaps look around them, i mean PD has modelled people now?.