Feeling small without Premium..
At least you had Premium.
Now you're left over standard. *Bu dum chee*
Who said anything about having wings?
Superman all the way!!!
Was in a bowling tournament with my mother today. Finished 2nd today in Class I Senior Division. There was only one other team in the class. We lost by 90 points. Instead of being a dumbass and blaming my mother, I take full responsibility that I'm the reason we lost. There were multiple situations were I just ****d up.
Being plain..
I'm not wasting my time, producing an Avatar (100x / 100x), when I belong in the Premium Club.
Being plain..
I'm not wasting my time, producing an Avatar (100x / 100x), when I belong in the Premium Club.
JaiBeing plain..
I'm not wasting my time, producing an Avatar (100x / 100x), when I belong in the Premium Club.
@Azuremen: Because I'm a perfectionist and am too damn critical of myself. I didn't mention that I got 191, 235, and 341 for a 3-game series total of 767, which was for league play. And I should be ecstatic, but that tournament result just ruined whatever I felt prior. Really I have nothing to complain about, and am just being a whiny little bitch, and I should realize this. And now I'm just going to shutup. Probably a good idea.
Feeling small without Premium..
Being plain..
I'm not wasting my time, producing an Avatar (100x / 100x), when I belong in the Premium Club.
I do have money, the problem is that I'm saving up for one of these
I'm buying such a Camera (or one in that class) due to something coming up in the Summer.
W3HSWhere did Jai's premium go? Expired?