What happened to Grindelwald?

  • Thread starter ploopsy
It would give every GT fan one more reason to buy GT5 and bring back alot of memories for some of us ,some old classics like tahiti road and complex string should make a return . I LOVE GRINDLEWALD please come back`.
^ Hopefully will be like NurbRing, will lead a part of Grindelwald and back to Eiger. :P

~> Just wishful thinking. :sly:
Grindelwald is my second favorite track from GT2 (first is Rome-Night). Much better than Eiger. Doubt we will ever see it again, though.
I'd love another UK track to race on for example the Moss Side track complete with speed ramps & chavs racing in stolen Rover Metro's :lol:.It's named the Chav Championship :lol:.
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Grindelwald was awesome because it was like a traditional European circuit. Old mountain roads, straights that aren't quite straight, tricky high-speed corners and trees alongside. This track might have been PD's inspiration:


An ancient track, raced on by the Grand Prx Titans in 500HP monsters in the 1930s. It's fast, it's deadly, it's beautiful, and would be awesome in a racing game. Hmmm, maybe PD should scratch Grindelwald and use Bremgarten? :lol: :lol: I'd pay $10 for the chance to drive on it in a virtual Mercedes W125.
The tracks I want back the most are SSR11 and Rome.

I was playing GT3 recently with an F090/S on SSR11 and it was just beautiful... It flows extremely well and it is such a fun circuit to play. SSR5 is okay but 11 is much better. Later on while playing Formula GT I played Rome with an F094/S and that was brilliant as well. I really miss that track.

Grindelwald never really stuck out for me in GT2, but probably because I didn't play it that much. Red Rock Valley was pretty cool though. I'd like to see both these tracks return as well.
Ahhhhhh, how much I love all this nostalgia here, great! :gtpflag:

Well, ploopsy, I'm absolutely with you, really love that track, it had it's own report at Classic Game Room, cool episode.

Grindelwald-a classic circuit....even had cow crossing signs!

Really? never noticed that...:lol: