Last night I was unhooking the battery charger.
Noticed the overflow container was empty.
Removed the radiator cap, It was low.
So added about 400mL of coolant, which was enough to fill the radiator but not the overflow.
Checked the oil as I have an Impreza and Subarus are known for headgasket issues(Dont know if these issues also apply to the EJ204) but oil looked fine.
On my way to work, I picked up a 1L bottle of premix.
At lunch time I checked the fluid again, it was a little low but since the car was in a carpark couldn't diagnose fully.
I add 100mL or so to the radiator and 300mL to the overflow.
Now I am in a slight panic, but engine temps are hovering around 90
Come home, pop the hood to see if coolant is leaking from the top of the radiator, nothing.
Look below.
Found a few drops on lower hose
Now need to look for replacement radiator, lower hose and clamps.
And will need to get several bottles of distilled water, radiator flush in addition to the 5l of coolant.
But at least its not a headgasket.
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