More Premium Cars (Ratio of Premium : Standard = 70 : 30 )
Ditch standards. 100% Premiums (I atleast want dashboards to all cars!)
Improve Customization (livery editor, swap engine, tracks editor etc)
Improved trackeditor would be good. I say no to livery editor and engine swaps.
Better Physics(car collision, airborne jump physic, mechanical damage, broken engine etc)
Better Sound (car sound, BGM, collision sound, etc.)
YES! BGM for replays only.
Better GT Mode/ Race (more race events, better B-Specs, better career progression, more tracks etc)
This is where Gran Turismo fails most and need to get improved. (voted this)
Better Visual (Better damage models, tracks scenery etc)
Track scenery and cars (not some standards) looks fine, but damage models should look out better than dent rubber.